chapter 2

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:༅𐐪𐑂。:༅𐐪𐑂 :༅。𐐪𐑂 °

"Looks like you've got company. Dad and I will go. We'll be seeing you soon Justin." Barbara says before kissing him tentatively on the cheek. She turns on her heel and Justin and I watch as she strides over like the model she is towards me with her father trailing right behind her. I quickly glance at Logan then back in front of me.

"It was so nice seeing you Naomi." She smiles passing by. I smile crookedly back. It was the only thing I could do. I'd gotten over whatever insecurity I had when it came to her long ago but seeing her in here with Justin and kissing him on the cheek right in front of me–it made my blood boil.

It felt like she was taunting me whether those were her true intentions or not.

When the door closes shut behind them I let out another breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Naomi, what a surprise." An easy smile playing on his lips as he strides over towards me. When he's made it; he wraps his arms securely around my waist and kisses me as tentatively as Barbara had kissed him right on my lips. I swoon.

"Mmmm." He purrs as we pull away from one another. "I missed you. I missed both of you." He peers behind me to look at Stella.

"Logan." He nods acknowledging her existence.

"Justin." She rolls her eyes.

I stifle a laugh; though this was far from funny, but no one and I meant no one despised Justin more than Logan.

She held grudges.

She was never one for forgiveness; which always left me stuck in the middle of their arguments and to say things could get very awkward would be an understatement.

He wanted me on his side and she wanted me on hers, but I was Switzerland. I could never choose.

"What brings you here?" His lips vibrate against my skin.

"We missed you and Logan thought it would be nice to get out the house." We both look back at Logan. I smile, but I can practically feel Justin tense up. The feeling was mutual between the two. I look forward and he looks over at me.

"I thought we'd agreed to keep her inside for a while–"

"We did, but it's good to get out sometimes. She's fine." I assure. "Sorry we walked in on your meeting by the way." I grin and he raises his eyebrow and grins back. Did he know I wasn't genuinely sorry? He opens his mouth and when I think he's about to say something out loud; he mouths it.

One word. Later.

Later, for what? Could he feel the jealousy radiating off of my body. My blood boiling at the fact that he let his ex fiancé kiss him on his cheek right in front of me? His wife. I peck him on his lips, lacing my fingers with his and I turn around to face Logan.

"Are you ready?" I eye Logan. Ready to get out of here.

"Well actually I'm done for the day and I was going to give Logan the rest of the day off. We've got this." He peers over at me and smirks.

Oh. What is he up to?

"I'm not your nanny Justin. I'm helping my sister, but gee thanks for thinking of me." She places her hand over her chest before stalking over towards me handing me Stella.

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