chapter 15

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"You know you never told me what Justin wanted when he stopped by the other day sweetheart." My mother was finally here and trying wrap her head around what has happened.

"He just got some things." I say hoping she would drop the subject because as of right now that also happened to be the last time I'd seen him. Another week gone by and he hasn't come by or called for Stella. He could take this out on me all he wanted, but she was innocent. She didn't deserve any of this. I didn't want him to be the same way my father was with me after he and my mom split.

Years passed and only now was I able to forgive him.

"What did he do for–"
"Mom," I cut her off, "I don't wanna talk about this."

"Fine, but you're going to have to face your problems one day Naomi, you can't continue to avoid them."

"I'm not the one that's avoiding them." I retort. Or maybe I was? I was the one that decided we needed a break despite my own admission of saying breaks weren't real. And it was because they weren't. Deep down I still believed they weren't, but I could deal with a break. It hurt, but it was temporary. What I couldn't deal with was a divorce. I didn't want that; just the thought made bile rise

The door bell rings and I look over at my mom. She rises from her spot mouthing for me to stay put as she goes to answer it.

I continue to play with Stella.

"Naomi, you have a guest." She's back but alone. "They're in the foyer. Give me Stella, you go talk." She smiles softly. I hand Stella over to her before getting up

As I'm rounding the corner I realize how much of a mess I looked. Stains from feeding Stella and her throwing it back up all over me, my hair in a completely disheveled state and don't let me forget the under eye bags from the lack of sleep.

Entering the foyer completely their back is turned, but I know exactly who it is. I clear my throat and he quickly turns around; empathy written all over him. "Naomi, so good to see you." He pulls me into his embrace. I'd almost forgot he liked to hug and it feels good and if I imagined hard enough I could pretend this was Justin.

When we pull away he smiles at me lopsidedly.

"How are you feeling?"

The one question I was hoping no one would ask because in all honesty I hadn't thought too much into how I was feeling. I didn't feel too much hurt as I did regret. We could have worked out our issues while still together, right?

Is that what mom meant when she said I was avoiding?

"I'm fine." I say, but even I can't bring myself to believe my lie.

"No, you're not. You look tired Naomi. Have you been getting much sleep?" He runs his thumb under my eye, "Has Justin still been coming by to help with the baby?"

What do I tell him? No, he's not only been avoiding me, but avoiding his own daughter because of me? It was depressing enough just thinking about it; I couldn't imagine saying it aloud. I shake my head

"It's fine though, I have my mom here to help."

"No? So you mean to tell me these last two weeks that I've been talking to him he hasn't come by at all?"

"He came by last week to get some things, but other than that–no." I chew on my bottom lip as the silence grows between Jeremy and I. He starts to get that same look Justin got when he would get pissed off. I just hoped he knew I wasn't saying this to turn him against Justin.

He takes out his phone.

"Please don't call him." I beg.

"Naomi, it's not right. What he's doing–I didn't raise him to be like this." I just didn't want this getting any worse than it already was. Justin would hate me if I got his father involved and thought I was trying to turn Jeremy against him. I just needed more time and I'd eventually call him myself

"I won't call him now Naomi, but I am going to call him and have a long talk with him. Whether you have your mother here or not; she's still his kid and I won't allow it."

I simply nod knowing not to argue.

"Where is she by the way." He's referring to Stella and I motion him to follow me into the living room.

Jeremy stays for about an hour or so

I tried to stray far away from talking about Justin, though it proved to be tougher than I thought. How could I not think about him or want to know what he'd been up to for the past two weeks. I still loved him–that would never change.


A few more days go by

Stella, my mom, and Erin are just the distractions I needed. I loved being around all of them especially Stella, her toothless smile brightened up my day. She was so special to me and even though he'd been missing from her life for just a couple weeks I know she was special to Justin too.

But it was just me and Stella right now. Mom was gone to the store and Erin was god knows where with God knows who. Stella was on the floor exploring, she wasn't crawling yet, but it wouldn't be long before she was; this way she could get used to her surroundings.

When I hear the doorbell, I pick her up and make my way into the foyer.

Opening the door I find myself face to face with someone I've never met. He looks nervous, but determined like he has a job to do.

"Naomi Bieber?" He questions. I nod.

"You have been served." His voice stern as he hands me an envelope. Before he's gone and with Stella still in my arms, I'm ripping open the envelope. As I'm skimming through the letter, I glance up and my mom is walking through the open front door.

"Who was that guy, sweetheart?" I'm too busy skimming the letter over and over hoping this wasn't what I thought it was. But no amount of wishing and hoping could make these words disappear.

"Naomi, answer me; you're scaring me."

"It's Justin, he's taking me to court for full custody of Stella."


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