chapter 8

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The car had barely come to a complete stop before Naomi was opening her door. She'd been silent the entire drive home hardly even looked my way. Clearly she was pissed about something. I just didn't know exactly what it was.

"Naomi." I call out from behind her. She turns her head as she's walking and cuts her eyes at me. Where the fuck was this coming from? I speed up my pace with a slight jog, but by the time I actually catch up she's already in the house.

"Are you going to tell me—" I'm cut off when Logan enters the room. Naomi's scowl softens, "How was she?" We ask in unison. She looks back at me, crosses her arms and then looks back at Logan.

"An angel, obviously." She grins from ear to ear, "She's in her crib upstairs asleep. If you don't mind now that my job here is done"

"You're going home? Don't go—stay! It's late."

Not this again.

Every time it has been time for Logan to leave Naomi has tried forcing her to stay over. She never agreed, Naomi always got offended and I was the one left here to console her. It was a cycle that happened so often that it'd become redundant. And I'm sure Logan felt the same way.

"You know that I can't. I have to finish packing. I'm sorry maybe one day before I leave." She stalks over to Naomi and gives her a hug. I can tell from Naomi's body language that she was hesitant to hug her own sister. Unbelievable. I shake my head watching the exchange.

"Night guys."

"Goodnight." We say in unison again. Naomi looks over at me again; her scowl back in full force and before Logan has even made it out; Naomi is storming up the stairs.

"I fucked up." I state nonchalantly looking back at Logan, letting her know that this had nothing to do with her. It was all me; I just didn't know how I'd fucked up, but like my father once told me—none of that mattered as long I knew it was my fault no matter the circumstance and apologized accordingly otherwise things would only get worse.

He never took his own advice. It was probably why him and my mom were divorced now.

She shakes her head–chuckling.

As she's shows herself out I make my way up the stairs in search of Naomi, knowing the first place she'd be going and so I start there.

I hear her talking to Stella when I make it to her room. I stay outside and lean on the wall to eavesdrop.

At first she's telling her how much she loves her and missed her tonight. That made two of us. I sigh because I don't think Naomi knows how much I miss them both when I'm away.

Then her tone starts getting raspier; deeper. She sounds as if she's getting angry or irritated. I couldn't decipher. It's almost like she's remembering the events of tonight, whatever triggered this silent treatment. It was something I clearly missed. "Your father is an ass. I know I'm sorry for saying that word, but you're asleep and you probably don't care or understand." She chuckles lowly

I smile.

"I bet the only reason he hasn't apologized is because he doesn't know why I'm angry. Men—guys in general are clueless baby girl. Stay single—forever." Something we could both agree on, but by this time I'd had enough so I enter the room and Naomi looks up at me.

"What do you want?"
"To see my daughter."
"She's asleep."

"Clearly," I chuckle but it fades out quickly when I see that she's still very much pissed at me. "That didn't stop you from telling her I'm an ass." Which right now I felt like one because I was still clueless as to why she was acting this way. I thought we had a good night.

"Because you are." She brushes past me and I continue to follow her like a lost puppy.

"If you would just tell me why? Maybe I can fix this." Maybe? I was just digging a bigger hole for myself. "No, I can definitely fix this. Just talk to me." I practically beg. She could be such a handful.

I follow her into our walk in closet and strip myself free of both my tie and jacket; unbuttoning the top two buttons on my shirt. "Are you going to continue to ignore me?"

"I'm not ignoring you. I hear everything you're saying."

"Then explain to me what I did wrong. Tell me why you're angry. I'm trying to do what you say I don't do, which is put how you feel before anything but you're shutting me out." I'm exasperated

"That's exactly what you did to me tonight Justin. You shut me out at that event tonight after we danced together and paid more attention to what's her face."


"I didn't say her name for a reason," she rolls her eyes takes off her jacket and then it dawns on me that she's jealous. I stifle a grin.

"You're jealous." I state.

"I'm not jealous. I have no reason to be you're my husband."

"You're jealous." I repeat.

"I'm not! But imagine if the roles were reversed and I was the sexy millionaire CEO," I smile, "and I had someone clearly vying for my attention all over me and I was giving them that attention in front of my significant other."

"I'd make sure they never worked again and their children never worked again and their children's children." The list would go on. Naomi was mine. I couldn't even begin to envision her with anyone else; giving them the love and affection meant for me.

"You wouldn't have that power." She says smoothly. "You'd be in my shoes. No power. I'd be the rich CEO." She grins sullenly and strides over my way and just stands there.

Face to face.

"You think you don't have any power?" Silence. "Naomi you have all of the power." She looks down for a second as if in thought and then back up at me. Something inside me just wants to pick her up and bury myself inside of her.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore. I hate being angry. It takes too much energy." I nod; leaving it at that as she turns around, "Unzip me please." I comply and place my fingers on the zipper of her dress and move my body closer to hers. I breathe her in

"I wasn't trying to make you jealous." I whisper in her ear before I place my lips on the nape of her neck and smile. I know it brings chills to her body because I can see her visibly shiver under my touch. It makes me hard and I kiss her neck. As I'm dragging the zipper down my middle finger trails gently down her bare skin and we both take in huge intake of breath. Her dress drops and she turns back towards me.

She's braless and in her panties. It is such a beautiful sight to see. I lick my lips. "Naomi i'm going to be honest, I want to fuck you right now. Here in this closet."

"What's stopping you?


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