chapter 20

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"My precious" I kiss her temple once Justin has handed her over to me. She had spent the entire weekend with him; his idea and it made me happy. He was trying and his efforts didn't go unnoticed. I look up at him; staring into his hazel eyes. There's a small grin on his face. I flush a bit and clear my throat "So, your birthday. It's in a few days, have any plans?" I question only curious. I personally had nothing planned for him, but my mother wanted to know. Birthday get togethers were her speciality and I only agreed on one condition–she didn't make things awkward.

"Nothing, actually" he chuckles embarrassedly

"Well thats good—not good that you have nothing going on, but it's good because my mom she really wants you to spend it over here." I flush an even darker shade than the last. How could I still get so tongue tied around the person that they've given their all to? And for a moment his face completely lights up and then just as fast it's gone.

"Just your mother?" I...

He means me! He was hoping I wanted him there as well and I did. I wanted him there. I wanted to be with and around him and I wanted him to be around Stella as well if all he had planned was to be alone.

"I didn't mean it that way, it's just my mom she just really loves get togethers. Everything is her doing and I didn't wanna take credit" Stella starts to fidget in my arms and I can see her face scrunch up bottom lip quivering and I know that she's about to start crying and once she started it was always a hassle to get her to stop. Justin sees it and offers to help, but I shake my head.

"Are you sure?" I nod

"I've got it all under control" I smile reassuringly "You go rest or do whatever. I know you've had her all weekend. I'll text you tomorrow the details about moms get together" I know he wants to stay, I can see it in his eyes. It was getting a little easier to read him

He smiles sullenly before kissing a now crying Stella on her forehead before glancing up at me one last time–I shoot him a small smile and then he's walking back to his car.


Me: Wednesday. 6 pm. Moms get together bring whomever you'd like

My message when I read it aloud sounds clipped, but I didn't know how else to word it. I sit at my desk procrastinating from doing actual work by waiting for his reply; continuing to beat myself up over my own text. What if he thinks–despite the fact that I have reassured him–that I don't want him there? What if he thinks that I'm starting to be cold and distant towards him again? I hear that familiar chime and slide my screen over

Justin: I'll be there. 6 on the dot. Define whomever?


Me: Trevor, your mother, your father... No lady friends

I regret sending the text. I sounded almost as territorial as he did, but I couldn't help my jealous tendencies. Especially when it came to Harper or Danielle. I knew he was smiling on the other end. I can't help, but think he'd done this on purpose. I continue to wait for him to reply. Knowing him it'd be with a witty comeback.

Justin: You are the captain of this ship. Whatever you say goes–Me and whomever shall see everyone Wednesday. I however, look most forward to seeing you..


Wednesday is here before I know it.

I'm nervous.

I was always nervous, but it multiplied times ten whenever Justin was around. He just had that kind of effect on me. I walk into kitchen with Stella in my arms; the smell of strawberry cake filling my nostrils. It was Justin's favorite with Chocolate frosting to top it off. I just hoped everyone that showed up had such an acquired taste.

I place Stella in her play pin and sit at the island as my mom puts the finishing touches on things. It was almost five thirty and within the next thirty minutes there would be people lounging around as we celebrated Justin's birthday together.

"You look amazing sweetheart. Is it for a special–" 

"Mom do not start. I told you under one circumstance" I remind her of our deal from last week. The least she could do was pretend as though she were going to abide by it.

"Oh i'm just teasing you Naomi, lighten up" I scoff. Her of all people telling me to lighten up. I take a champagne glass from the middle of the island and take a sip. It's chilled and feels amazing going down. I take another and another until the glass is empty.

"Slow down there" mom chuckles. I roll my eyes

Within the next twenty minutes Erin is the first to show up and since I knew that Justin wouldn't do it; I'd gone and invited both Pattie and Jeremy. No matter how I felt about Pattie, she would always be his mother. Rob and Trevor show up together right after and without Justin.

When thirty more minutes have passed I start to get worried.

Where was Justin?

"Have you heard from Justin?" Trevor shakes his head

"He invited both Rob and I and when we went to meet him at the office, he told us to go on ahead. Said he would meet us here. Last time I heard from him" I sigh and check my phone.

My hands twitching to call and make sure he's okay.

"Birthday boy's here" I hear someone yell from the foyer

Trevor stalks out, but I don't bother, I'll wait for everyone in the foyer to make their way into the living room.

A minute later he strides in alone, a small grin etched upon his face. He's grinning and just beautiful, but I'm annoyed. Why didn't he at least call, send a text–something. I take a sip from my now fourth glass of champagne

"Naomi" he says

"Did I do something?" he questions in a hushed tone.

Yes and no. He didn't show up on time, but I knew that I was making a much bigger deal out of this than it should have been. Maybe it was the alcohol.

"What happened to six on the dot" I take another sip

"I apologize. A friend wanted to take me out for a couple of drinks and since I knew you wouldn't have wanted them here–I went. I didn't think I'd be as long" he explains

'A friend' Harper or Danielle. My guess is Danielle. Was he sleeping with her? No, what am I thinking. He wouldn't do that.

"I know that you're racking your brain trying to figure out who this friend is and if I'm cheating–I'm not. You know that deep down that I'm not. You're my wife; I want you to trust me"

How have things gotten this intense?

"I do" I finish off my champagne. I was starting to feel the effect it had on me. Drinking on an empty stomach.

"Have you eaten?"

"Come on love birds, join the rest of us in the living room" Rob says peeking his head into the kitchen. I flush crimson and place my glass on the island.

This night was off to a weirdly intense start.


EDIT: Ok, I wasn't trying to make cheating seem like it's nothing when it's definitely something–especially since Naomi and Justin are still married. I also would like to clarify once again since I don't do many Justin POV's–he has never cheated on Naomi! In my opinion cheating is expected in most stories and I'm trying to make this as different and original as possible! So again, there will be NO cheating in my story

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