chapter 27

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:༅𐐪𐑂。:༅𐐪𐑂 :༅。𐐪𐑂 °

No. No. No. Not now

Not when I had just
Not when we had just

I could t find it in myself to finish the sentences. This couldn't be happening. It really just couldn't be

I look back down and stare. Hoping and silently praying that the results would somehow change before my eyes.

But they don't.

Those two little blue lines confirming what I had thought to be far fetched at the time, but after a late period and two pregnancy tests I couldn't even begin to think about how wrong I was. I let out an irritated groan before I toss the pregnancy test in the trash along with the other one and throw my head in my hands. I shouldn't be angry but I was – anger coursed through my body. How could I be so careless even after I confessed to him that I wanted to wait?

And Justin..

He wanted more now — It didn't matter how many times that he reassured me it was all my decision.


I curse under my breath. Why right now?

We've only been back together for a little over a month and instead of working on our marriage; talking about all of the reasons we split – we've skated over them. And now I was pregnant. And it isn't lost on me that this comes days after telling him I wanted to wait

"Naomi!" Logan yells outside my bathroom.


I had almost forgotten about lunch. I jump up taking in a deep shaky breath.

"Are you rea— what are you doing?" She cocks her head trying to make direct eye contact but I avoid it at all costs.

"Nothing" I brush past her to get my things. Lunch was good. I could do lunch. I just needed to focus on that right now and worry about everything else later. It wouldn't do me any good to stress in front of Logan and Erin.

"You're hiding something" I can practically hear her smile as she follows me. This woman was insufferable and just plain nosey and she didn't care who knew.

"I'm not. Now are you ready for lunch?"

"Depends are you going to tell me what you're hiding?" I let out an irritated groan. I couldn't do this right now. I needed her for just once in her life to mind her own business.

"We don't have to go Logan. I can have my assistant call in lunch for me and you can leave."

"So you'd kick me.. your own sister.. out of your office?" I nod. Letting her know I was completely serious about this

At first she doesn't say anything. She stares; her stare piercing through me. If looks could kill...

"Fine. You know you act more and more like Justin every day" I smile; deciding I would take that as a compliment


"Naomi's hiding something" She blurts before Erin has even had a chance to sit down. I scowl; she sees but all she does is smile and turn back to Erin waiting for her to put her two cents in. Like I'd said–insufferable and nosey.

"Hello to you too Logan"

"I'm sorry about her" I say speaking directly to Erin disregarding the fact that Logan was sitting in the booth right next to me

"So have you girls ordered? I'm starved"

"Just drinks" Logan replied opening the menu

"So Logan why do you think that Naomi's hiding something?" Erin questions trying to find a comfortable spot in the tight knit booth we occupied in the back of the restaurant nearly every lunch date.

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