chapter 25

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:༅𐐪𐑂。:༅𐐪𐑂 :༅。𐐪𐑂 °

Once I've put the car in park I look over at Justin who had been eyeing me up and down the entire drive over and I tilt my head slightly smiling softly at him waiting for him to say it out loud. What we both knew he was thinking.

"Just say it" I say as impatience laced my tone

"Ok" He breathes "I wish I would have known that you were such a terrible driver before I bought this car" He chuckles, not that any of this was funny. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip because despite the urge to I just couldn't argue with him on this. If he'd known I had failed my drivers test twice before actually passing he'd be on his way back to the car dealership asking for his money back.

"It's okay. We'll just add it to the list of things I love about you" He plants a chaste kiss on my lips

"You love that I almost killed you?" I question lowly–still slightly embarrassed

"Well maybe not that part" He licks his bottom lip before smiling at me. I don't return it–I can't. My mind had wondered off elsewhere even when our eyes have locked intensely letting the car fall silent.

Both of us had something we wanted to say, but the silence told a different story. It said were afraid of what could happen if we said it out loud. Were we going to walk on eggshells with each other now? I didn't want that. I never wanted that. I just wanted to know exactly what he meant by "When the time is right" Nearly an hour later and I still had no idea what he meant as it continued to linger in my mind.

"We should get inside" he says finally breaking the silence.

I nod sullenly and take the keys out of the ignition before exiting the car. I circle around and Justin meets me on the other side with his hand out for me to take; I intertwine our fingers and hand in hand we make our way inside.

Inside Logan strides into the foyer with Stella in her arms and with Stella gnawing away at her teething ring. My poor baby was in pain. Logan has a sly grin playing on her lips just begging to break free as she looks the both of us up and down a few times.

"You two look awful. I hope you had fun" She says in a mocking tone

"Logan" I admonish quickly as my cheeks heat up.


"I hope you took care of my sister"

"Always" He looks over at me with a small smirk pulling me closer to his body; kissing my forehead. I can't hide my frown that appears at the thought of these two possibly never getting along. After just about everything I had hoped things would have changed.

"Lunch Monday" He says standing at the front door getting ready to leave. He couldn't stay long. I knew it because he had to keep reminding with each effort I made to try and make him stay even if it was just until dinner.

"Ok" I say sullenly

He looks down at me and placing his index finger under my chin he tilts my head up "Mmm am I coming for you or are you coming for me?" His sandy eyes pour into mine and I swallow hard. The sexual innuendo, his breath on my skin. It leaves my breathing ragged and once again unsure of anything at this point except one thing—I didn't know if I was going to be able to wait until Monday.

"I'll come for you" It's almost as a whisper

"Oh I hope so" He cups my face and pulls me in for a kiss. It's long and filled with rekindled love as well a new found one and when we finally pull away I'm left in a daze.

"Monday" He says lowly one last time before finally walking out the front door.


Trying to get work done on Monday morning was proving to be so much harder than it was when Justin and I weren't together. Two weeks ago I could easily throw myself into work to forget, but now I couldn't wait to see him. I had missed him the rest of the weekend as I'd spent it thinking about him and our night together and then everything that came afterwards and of course—

"When the time is right"

He had to be keeping something from me and he had to know what those five words would do to me. Which had been nothing short of keeping me up because my mind couldn't block them out. Or maybe he was actually oblivious to the affect both he and those words had on me. But I could help it, I was an over thinker by nature

I step off of the elevator fifteen after twelve onto Justin's floor. It was empty with the exception of a few people including his assistant whose face lights up as soon as she recognizes that it's me.

"Mrs. Bieber! So good to see you. I assume that you're here for Mr. Bieber?" I nod and look over at his office. The blinds are down and the door is closed. Always so private. I shake my head and look back at his assistant

"Mr. Bieber's on a phone call, but if–"

"I can wait" I cut her off "I'm in no rush" She smiles and I spend the next five minutes talking to her as she goes on to me about how his mood just this morning has been the best it's been in months and I didn't understand—was she saying that it was all because of me?

"Looks like he's done" She says with a smile and hesitantly I turn around but when I do he's got a grin on his face that spreads from ear to ear and I've suddenly got a throb that only he can fix.


"Justin" My lips twitch into a small smirk

"How long have you been waiting out here?"

"Not long"

"You could have just come in"

"It's fine, I actually enjoyed talking to Paige" I turn around and smile at her, only to quickly turn back around when I realize she was paying absolutely no attention to either us.

He smiles as if he's the reason for her completely ignoring us before holding out his hand "Come" he says and oblige. We both knew that I always would

"Oh and Paige"

"Sir" she says looking up

"Cancel my meetings for the rest of the day and take any messages I get" I look over at him, but his eyes are still on her making sure she took down everything he'd said

"Will do sir" she nods as she once again throws herself back into her work.

"When I worked here why didn't you ever treat me like you treat the rest of your staff?" I question once we're in his office

"And how do I treat the rest of my staff?" He arches an eyebrow as he strides over towards me while I look around his office. Amazed at how one man could be so... clean

"You respect them obviously. I just meant—you know it doesn't even matter. I don't want to think about your staff or anyone else. This is about us; this is about how I really just want you inside of me." I say stopping what I'm doing to look at him. The corner of his lips curl. If only he knew I'd thought about this the entire weekend.

Making his way over to me he wraps his arm around my body, "Do you want to know why I never treated you like the rest of my staff?" He questions. His right hand finding it's way under my shirt touching me gently until he reaches my bra where in one swift move he unclips it.

"Why?" I say a little flustered

"You've always been different Naomi" he says leaving a faint kiss under my jaw

I'm sorry for the wait. Almost 2 months –
I'm literally the worst. Sorry again

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