chapter 9

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"I was looking for you." Justin whispers in my ear as he pulls me into his side.

"Oh, I was checking on Stella." As well as trying to get away from everyone. I look around and get a sudden case of anxiety. Had I known so many people were going to be here tonight I would've told him this wasn't a good idea.

"Well you're here now." He kisses my cheek, "I want you to meet some people." Oh thank god I didn't think I would be able to meet enough people tonight. I refrain from rolling my eyes and follow him as he leads the way.

"Ah, the man and woman of the hour. You look gorgeous Naomi." It's Rob, he's the first one to look over and acknowledge our presence while everyone else in his tight knit circle continue to converse amongst one another.

"Thank you."

"You know what Rob I let it slide the first time, but I can't have you flirting with my wife. I'm not as smooth as you are and I have to say it's a little intimidating." Everyone chuckles. I look over at Justin, as he places his hand playfully over his heart. I liked this version of him

"Is this true Naomi?" Rob asks.

"Well—" I trail off "I'm kidding. He's smooth, but only when he wants to be." I kiss his cheek.

"Good answer." Justin says and we laugh again.

"Anyway Naomi," he clears his throat. Oh serious Justin was back. "I'd like you to meet Bill, Jamie, Laurel and of course you know Danielle." Once again I have to refrain from rolling my eyes. How did he seemingly forget to tell me he'd invited her? I could admit when I was a bit jealous.

"When you call and I'm in a meeting these are some of the people that are keeping me held up." I smile sheepishly.

"Guys this is my wife—Naomi."

"Nice to meet you." They all nod. Not a word or even the slightest movement. Did no one shake hands anymore? We stand there stagnant in the tight knit circle. We're silent amongst each other while everything and everyone around us continue moving; full of life.

"So..." Danielle starts, "Naomi, I know you're going to miss Justin when he leaves. You two seem to be conjoined at the hip. I was joking the other day that he'll probably talk my head off about you." She chuckles. I cock my head to the side and knit my eyebrows together in confusion. 

"You're going too? Oh wait now that you say something I ugh– I do remember Justin mentioning this to me. I must have forgotten with everything going on." I chuckle embarrassed.

Truth was Justin had neglected to mention to me that he was leaving and going away and with her nonetheless.

As Justin continues to hold his composure, he smiles like he hadn't just screwed up again I move his arm from around my waist as they continue to talk and slip away from the tight knit circle that I didn't belong in; in search of a drink.

"You'll get tired of not being told things." I hear someone say. I look over and it's Pattie. She takes a sip from her wine glass. Another person Justin seemingly forgot to mention would be here. How did she even know what was going on? Justin seemed to be forgetting to tell me a lot of things lately. I stifle a frown.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I question.

"It's not to scare you, but tell you I know how you feel. I felt that way with Jeremy. Sometimes it's not on purpose and sometimes it is; and when it is it's because they think they're protecting you. From what? Who knows?" She takes another sip. It's the last one, but the bartender that Justin hired fills her glass up again.

"Justin isn't like that."

"He's exactly like that. He got his business tactics and relationship advice from someone and it damn sure wasn't me."

That I could agree with because if Justin were anything like Pattie, he wouldn't be with me in the first place and that meant I wouldn't have my Stella and I just couldn't imagine a world without her in it. Justin could wear his heart on his sleeve one day and the next be so cold and distant.

"Well thanks for telling me that, but I know Justin and I know he would never intentionally keep things from me."

I grab my drink off the bar counter and walk off. Despite what she said; I couldn't help but feel like Pattie was trying to scare me. She hasn't liked me since the first time we met so why give me advice now? Advice that could hurt my relationship with your own son. Did everyone in this world only seem to have ulterior motives?

"You look gorgeous tonight Naomi." It's Erin. One of the few friends that I have made. "Thanks, you look amazing as well" I think we both hear it—there's a certain sadness to my voice. I really needed to get out of here.

"Wanna talk about it?" I shake my head and take a sip of my wine. When I look across the room I see Justin staring at me. His gaze is so intense I can practically feel it, he's willing me to come to him, but I refuse. I want him to know that I'm angry. I want him to know that I'm hurt by his actions.

So I cut my eyes at him and walk off with Erin.


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