chapter 21

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:༅𐐪𐑂。:༅𐐪𐑂 :༅。𐐪𐑂 °

"Naomi, you have a visitor" Candace announces peaking her head in from behind the door. She was my new assistant that I had been completely against having at first even now still unsure, but when Joanna kept on insisting it only made it harder for me to say 'no'.

I motion for her to let them in without thinking twice about who was actually here to see me. I push my things over to the side. The door widens and I have to say Justin walking in and striding across the room with the ease and confidence he always exuded is the last thing I expected.

My eyes travel from the bottom up. Making it to his face his expression is apathetic, as it usually was when he had something on his mind. Which made it harder to read him

I take a deep breath, hoping this had nothing to do with his party from a few nights ago. I inwardly cringe as it was something I wouldn't mind not reliving. After he'd showed up that night things didn't get any better. Tension was thick and I kept drinking on an empty stomach–too nervous to eat and when he told me about going out with Danielle, jealousy consumed me. I guess the only thing that made me feel slightly less queasy was that he was honest about it.

I liked when we felt like we could tell each other anything and that was because we could. It didn't have to be written in stone for us to abide by it. We just had to know we didn't want to hurt the other with lies anymore.

"May I?" He's asking to sit down, but I'm too confused and lost in my own thoughts to say anything back so I nod. He cracks a small smile as he unbuttons his jacket and takes a seat. My lips are pursed as my thoughts continue to roam.

We sit in silence for about a minute drinking each other in. He's so breathtakingly gorgeous. His plump lips; I missed them on me–every inch of my body. I suck in a breath and finally find my voice "Not to be rude or make it seem like I don't want you here–but why are you here?"

"I wanted to discuss a few things with you" His expression is back to being apathetic and voice stern; I nod once again letting him know to continue.

"First off Danielle" I should have known "I know that I have done and said things in my past–things I'm not proud of; things no one should be proud of, but cheating has never once crossed my mind. Not with you–you're my wife. That's never going to change. These women–" he sighs. It's both deep and heavy and holds so much irritation in it. "They're long time friends and I simply work with them. You've never had anything to worry about"

"I know" I reply lowly.

One thing I was sure of despite the doubt that took over a few nights ago at his party was that he would ever cheat on me. I trusted him. It was them that I didn't trust.

"Which brings me to my party"
"You were late"
"I knew you were pissed" he chuckles shaking his head

"I wasn't pissed" I sigh exasperatedly "I just thought that it would have been nice of you to call tell me you would be late to the party that I threw for you" I cross my arms defensively

"I thought you said it was your mothers idea"

"It was, I just–we were. It doesn't matter" The grin on his face grows as I stumble over my words. Bastard. It always amazed me how his mood could shift so easily.

"Is that all?" He questions the grin still on his face. It were almost as if he liked when I scolded him about things

I nod.

"Good, because I want to have lunch with you"
"Are you asking or telling?"
"As long as you say yes, it doesn't matter?"

"What if I'm not hungry?" I question finding my voice once again. When I was around him, it always seemed to go missing along with any confidence I held. He'd take it all for himself. Not intentionally, but he did


"It's good to see you're actually eating" he states, I almost choke on my food. What is that supposed to mean?

"Are you implying that I don't?"

"No, I'm just saying that you didn't; not when I was over. Which by the way isn't good. Keep that in mind next time you're thinking of drinking glass after glass of champagne" he cocks his head to the side; almost teasingly

"Yea, I know it was stupid and I learned my lesson. Thanks dad" I retort sarcastically. I knew my limit–now. I push my food away; I didn't think I could finish my food. Not with him sitting here staring at me whilst I ate.

"I'm actually not hungry anymore"

"Did I do something?" Concern laced his tone, I shake my head. It wasn't him; it was me. Being around him could be overwhelming

"I just have a lot of work to do" he runs his hand through his hair and nods. He doesn't want to leave and I don't want him to go either, but this is just how things were right now. He rises from his seat and I rise from mine as well. He buttons his jacket and starts making his way towards the door with me stalking closely behind him.

He stops abruptly before making it to the door and I run into his back. He turns around and looks down at me with a small smile. When did he get so tall? Better yet why do I feel so small?

"Sorry" we say in unison; he chuckles while i'm stagnant.

Justin brings his hand up and brushes my hair out of my face; leaving his hand there to linger. We both close our eyes and breathe in a deep breath. When I open mine I'm met with his hazel orbs. "You're–" he sighs and this time this one holds sorrow and regret  "I have to go" he retreats from saying whatever it is that he really wanted to and drops his hand


"I'll see you soon?" I nod with a tight knit smile and he's gone

Filler, but yay for progress! Lol

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