chapter 28

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"Pregnant?" He smiles holding me at arms length

I smile back sullenly and nod. He was happy I could tell by the way the corners of his lips curled. I could admit it made my stomach do flips seeing the smile on his face, but once again he wasn't looking at the bigger picture—How could we be so careless?

"I don't know how it happened. I—"

"You don't know how it happened?" he smirks
"Because if I recall you let me co—"

"Stop it!" I flush crimson and suddenly I want to hide and not have this conversation with him at all "I know how it happened I just didn't think it would happen. At least not so soon" I look down and confess. I couldn't look him and the eyes and say this; not when he was so visibly excited.

"You're not happy?" He questions; his words falling flat

"I am, but you know —"

"Your body language is telling me everything you aren't right now Naomi. What is it?" He bites down on his lip. I bite down on mine.

I didn't know what to say; not without him thinking that I wasn't happy about this because I was.

"Nothing. It's nothing, just that I was surprised." I say lowly


"And I told you how I felt.." I trail off not really wanting to get into this right now, but I know him and I know that he is relentless and was going to try and pry it all out of me

"Yes, you wanted us to be in a good place, but couples argue Naomi. Try to find one that doesn't"

"But you know that I don't care about every other couple. I care about us. We've been through so much in just over a year" I sigh.

He just wasn't going to understand and I knew it was best to simply end this conversation before it went somewhere neither of us wanted it to. Before either one of us can say another thing we hear faint cries coming from all the way upstairs—It's Stella

He motions for me to go cater to her needs and says that I know where to find him when I'm ready to talk.

When I make it up the stairs and outside her room door her cries are much more potent. I walk over to her crib and pick her up; pecking her lightly on the cheek as I walk over to the rocking chair in her room and sit down with her.

I begin rocking her back and forth in the chair whispering sweet nothings to her. Along the way her cries start to subside and I feel her head for a fever. She was a little warm, but nothing too serious and I thank God. I just wouldn't know how to deal

"I love you my sweet baby girl" I say lowly

I spend nearly the rest of the night with Stella. Talking to her reading to her. Changing her and feeding her.

It all makes me think about how I never get to spend all of the time with her I would like and I just knew that I didn't want that for her. Two parents that never saw her. And now that I was pregnant again I knew it was time to cut back on working at the office or at all.

Something I never thought I'd say.

By the time I leave her room it's 11:30. I decide to look for Justin; the entire time I was with Stella our talk played in the back of my mind. Maybe arguing was a part of relationships, but it was all so exhausting. How could he not see that?

But so was compromising and I knew I could compromise. Us not being together for so long; there was especially one thing I knew that I never wanted to happen again and that was be without him anymore. I loved him. I loved Stella. I loved this baby and never would I ever want him to think I didn't want this life with him.

Him thinking the opposite made me feel uneasy.

I inhale sharply before I tap lightly on the already open door to get his attention. He knows it's me and takes his time lifting his head up to look at me.

"May I come in?" I finally ask when he looks up.

He motions for me to enter as he rises from his seat and rounds his big mahogany desk. I walk over towards his way in smalls strides and place myself in between his legs

"I'm sorry" We say in unison. He laughs then I laugh.

"The floor is yours baby" I sigh

"I'm sorry. I really am. I don't want you to ever think I don't want a family with you. I've told you I want what you want, but I'm also allowed to be surprised and me being surprised doesn't mean that I'm not happy. I've had as much time as you've had give or take a few hours to take this all in" I pause and take a deep deep breath as he looks at me; his hazel eyes pouring into my deep brown.

"— But I wasn't going to hide this. I was going to tell you; definitely not today and definitely not this way." I frown "I wanted it to be a bit more special because the first time this happened it didn't go over so smooth but believe me when I tell you that I'm happy about it. I promise"

"I'm listening baby and I apologize for how I acted earlier it just killed me to know that you may not share the same happiness that I did – that I do about another kid." I smile, but mainly because I couldn't believe it. We were communicating and like actual adults at that. He wasn't yelling at me saying hurtful things and vice versa. Actually communicating and to be honest it made me a little dizzy.

"I do. You know I do" I say as he pulls me in closer.

"I love you" his words vibrate against my lips

"I love you too" I say back lowly and his lips attack mine. They're on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls my body into his warm embrace even more and deepens the kiss by sliding in his tongue. The kiss is so magical and could go anywhere from here and though I don't want to stop; I know this was exactly why I'd gotten pregnant unexpectedly both times.

I pull away breathless. He brushes his hand over my cheek and I smile. This man had no idea that he had my whole heart.

Short and sweet.

I'm sorry if you didn't like how it ended I had just left that part of the story lingering since January and wanted it to end as I do have a lot planned for this story before the book finally comes to an end. I would also like to apologize again for the wait. Seven months is a long time and I got a lot of comments and messages asking when I would be posting again and here I am. I appreciate all the votes, comments and just all of the support! ❤️

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