chapter 36

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:༅𐐪𐑂。:༅𐐪𐑂 :༅。𐐪𐑂 °

I look down at my phone and then up at Jackie — our marriage counselor. Justin was late. Thirty minutes late.

I knew that he would do this. Something told me he would. I just honestly wished that I would have been wrong.

"He should be here soon" I reassure with a small smile

"No rush. You two are my last clients for the night" she says with a warm smile. She had a late policy but she was being extremely nice about this and I appreciated it more than she knew.

I check my messages once again to see if Justin would have at least texted or called to say he would be late, but there isn't anything except a text from Logan with a picture of Stella attached. I send a message back telling her how much I missed her with a bunch of emoji's then lock my phone.

Fifteen minutes later Justin comes strolling in. I roll my eyes and scoot as far as possible to the other end of the sofa that I can. I didn't want to be near him. Not right now.

"Sorry I'm late" he says as he makes his way over to where I am and instead of choosing the empty space away from me he chooses to sit as close as possible to me

He kisses my cheek, but it doesn't faze me. I'm annoyed.

• • •

Counseling feels like a disaster once we actually start. Justin and I can hardly agree on anything, which isn't too surprising but it just goes to show why we really needed this.

"It was great to meet you Jackie" Justin holds his hand out for her. They shake hands. Then I say my own goodbyes and head out to get on the elevator to the parking garage.

"I get the sense you're mad at me" Justin looks over and says. I don't say anything. I just want to go home. The elevator finally opens and Justin and I both step out. He continues to follow behind me in silence. Our footsteps the only sound being made

"Naomi talk to me" He says lowly

"And say what? Justin you knew how important this was for me. For us. And you were almost an hour late." I don't turn around. No matter how dramatic I seemed I just couldn't look at him right now.

"I had a meeting" he simply says

"You always do. Maybe you should marry those people in your little meetings. You seem to care about them much more than you care about me or what's going on in our marriage"

"I'm trying here. What do you want me to do?"

"Try harder" I say opening the car door. We both sigh

"You drove here yourself?" He quickly changes the subject. I nod my head. I wasn't helpless, but he didn't care

"Passengers side. I'm driving" he practically demands

"No, I don't want you to drive me. I can do it myself" I realize how childish I sound but again, I don't care

"Naomi, you are carrying my child and these people in this city drive like lunatics. I'm driving" His voice is stern and demanding. He holds his hand out for me, I reluctantly take it and he guides me around the car to the passengers side.

He circles the car and get in on the drives side. He puts his seatbelt on and uses the push to start to start the car.

"This doesn't change anything" I state

"I'm not sure I know what you mean?"

"You were late Justin. And yes, it made me mad. We agreed on this and you flaked." He was so exasperating

"First of all I didn't flake, I still came. And second I said I would do this for you. You said that our marriage is on the line. I want us to work this out"

"Do you really?" I snap back.

He doesn't say anything back. He turns his focus back on the road and for the rest of the ride the car is silent.

• • •

"Not that you care, but I have a doctors appointment this Friday to find out the sex of our child" I say.  This all feels too familiar.

We've been here before. The realization is daunting

"Why do you do that? Why do just assume that I don't care when I've shown you time and time again that I do?"

"Just because you say that you care does not mean you actually do. You've only shown me how much of a joke this is to you"

Tears prick.

"Shit" I say under my breath, but he hears me. I didn't want to cry but the hormones. The hormones this time were worse than they had been with Stella. He doesn't say anything he just pulls me in. The only thing that I can do is welcome it because I knew this wouldn't last. My thoughts were all over the place

But I knew what I had to do

Hello, I've gotten a bunch of requests to keep this going and so once again, I'm going to try and start this up! Lol

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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