Chapter 13 - Infatuated

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Hey guys finally another Ahaan and Kavya chapter is here. It’s my bday and so its special! Hope you guys like it!! Keep reading, liking and voting!!




Chapter 13: INFATUATED

There are millions of people in this world, but in the end it all comes down to one. ~Crazy/Beautiful. 


The party was at 7 today evening. Avni and I had gone shopping in the morning. After lunch, Aliya came over to help with the party. After making the arrangements for the food, I got a call. Thinking it was from Ahaan I picked up the phone without glancing at the screen. 

“Hello, “I said.

“Hey, can I bring a date?” said whoever was on the other side.

I curiously looked at the screen and saw it was Siddharth. After a few seconds I said,” Yeah sure.”

“Thanks see you in the evening.” He said before hanging up.

Making a point to check the caller id from next time I made the necessary changes due to the addition of 1 person. I lived in a rented 2 bedroom apartment. We had 2 bean bags and one 2-seater couch, facing the television set in the living room. Since we were 8 of us, Aliya got her bean bag today. 

At about 730 everybody was there. I introduced everybody to Avni. It had been especially weird introducing her to Ahaan. As he entered the kitchen, he came over to hug me as he did every time. I became conscious. I just went two steps behind and signaled to him that Avni was standing right there. He understood and smirked. And then he took those two steps and still hugged me.

I was so embarrassed. I just wriggled out of his arms red-faced and left. As I turned around to see, I saw him chatting with Avni. I had never seen anybody so comfortable around people. She was just amazed. I could see her wonder. I went to check on the other people. I saw Rohan and Aliya sitting on one bean bag. Siddharth and his date were on the other one. Rahul was sitting on the couch. As I was chatting with Aliya, I didn’t comprehend that Avni and Ahaan had come out too. Avni went and sat next to Rahul on the couch while Ahaan sat on the bean bag. 

I realised that I had no place to sit. I caught Ahaan’s eye. He was smirking and signaling me with his eyes that he had a place vacant right next to him. Or his lap would do too. 

I just shook my head and started leaving to search for a chair, when he caught me by my wrist and made it obvious to everybody there, “There is a place here. Why do you need to search for a chair? I don’t think Avni will mind, will you?”He asked Avni.

She just shook her head and burst out laughing. Everybody followed suit. I blushed. I hated Public Displays of Affection. It made me uncomfortable. Under the piercing gaze of viewers, I didn’t find professing my love for somebody a sensible thing.

Nobody here was bothered though. Everybody understood what was going on and Aliya started hooting. I didn’t bother looking at any of them. If I did, they would see my red face. I just sat next to him. To my surprise, everybody started laughing and Aliya was clapping and hooting. I just shot a glare at her. That didn’t deter her at all. Ahaan seemed really happy at these happenings. He whispered so softly that only I could here, “I have never been so comfortable.”

I just looked away and quickly changed the topic. All of us kept chatting and joking till 10. Siddharth and his date, Sailee told us about how they met.

They met at work. It was her first day at work and she couldn’t find her office and Siddharth being the gentleman he was helped her out. That was it. They had been going for a couple of weeks now.

Finally, we decided to have dinner. The guys were sitting when all of us came inside the kitchen. Rahul entered just then and informed us that they all had to watch a football match in an hour so they would be leaving soon. Football crazy people, I thought. All of us quickly had dinner. Avni retired soon. Her day was tiring and I had a feeling that she had had enough of all these strangers. Siddharth and Sailee were the first ones to leave. Rahul left along with them. Aliya and Rohan stayed for a while longer.

Watching Rohan and Ahaan get along so well, Aliya and I hi-fived. Life had been just with us. After they left, I cleaned up of whatever was left and found Ahaan glued to the TV. The match had just started. I went and sat next to him on the couch. He averted his eyes from the television and kissed me.

“So enjoyed today? Sorry for putting you on spot like that. Though it was totally worth it. You should have seen your face. You so wanted to hit me,” he laughed remembering the memory. 

I punched him in the arm and replied, “Ya ya whatever.”

He imitated me back and I punched him again. “Ouch, you know that hurts right?” he asked feigning hurt.

“That was the entire point, “I replied teasingly.

“I’ll get back at you, “he said with a solemn expression.

“Ha-ha,” I teased. His attention was back to the TV now. I just sighed and snuggled into him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed me on the top of my head.

He woke me up after the match got over.

“You look so adorable while sleeping, “he said.

I just smiled and asked him,” So did your team win?” He was surprised at my concern.

“Yep, they did,” he replied extremely happy. I was happy for him. He leaned in to kiss me. I went behind signaling to him that Avni was home.

“She’s fast asleep,” he said continuing to lean in and kiss me. After a while he let go, kissed me on my forehead, nose, and lips and walked me to my room. He was such a gentleman. He gave me his famous smirk before leaving. I snuggled into my bed dreaming about that smirk.

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