The Job

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Hey eveybody :)

Well here's the third chapter! Sorry been a bit of a long wait been really busy I have been nagged to upload :) But going to try and update more regularly :)

 Now remember...


*Update*- Amazing cover on the side by neverland_wanderer13 who this chapter is also dedicated to :D

P.S This is the edited chapter :)

 <3 Sahara xx

Chapter 3

The Job

I stared into his eyes for a second, losing myself in them. They were such an interesting color, so unique...

"Caitlin?" he asked, concerned.

"Yeah?" I replied, finally shaking myself out of the trance that I had found myself in.

 "Are you okay? You kind of zoned out there."

I laughed. "Sorry, having an eventful day."

"That's alright, must be hard moving schools at this time of the year with school already started."

I smiled to myself, amused. If only he knew. "Nah it's not that bad. Everyone has been so... welcoming." I laughed to myself, thinking of Selena.

"Well-" he started to say something.

"Caitlin. Nathaniel. Quiet up the back there," the teacher said sternly.

Nate smiled at me but didn't continue, turning back to his work and concentrating on the teacher.

As the teacher continued talking I realized that yet again I had already studied the topic that the class was working on. Sighing, I wondered if all my classes would be this boring. Well, least I'll get an A, I thought, smiling. Not that it mattered what grades I got anyway; as soon as we took out all our targets we'll be gone, moving to a different city. I suddenly felt sick of this life, moving around all the time and not being able to experience life as a teenager.

Deep in thought, I didn't notice the bell when it rang, still sitting there, until Nate gentle shook my shoulder. I gave him a quick smile before leaning over to get my bag that was sitting on the ground and packed my books into it.

I walked out of the classroom ready to go to my next class when I caught sight of Nate walking in the direction of an empty park that was situated next to the school. I followed him and stopped behind a tree as I watched him slide onto the grass and pull a book out of his bag. After looking at the area in front of him, he begin sketching.

 I sensed someone sneaking up behind me and tensed, waiting for them to attack, before I heard a soft voice in my ear. "Perving, are we, Kitty Kat?"

I turned around, glaring at Jezebel. "No," I replied hastily.

She laughed. "Sure you weren't," she said, giving me a knowing look.

 "I was just... observing."

 "Soo in other words... perving" she replied, looking over my shoulder at Nate still drawing. "Not that I blame you, he's hot!"

 "Yeah I met him today - well, bumped into him actually. Anyway, his name's Nate."

 "Oh I heard about him from some of the cheerleading girls. Nate Martinez; supposedly he's the strong silent type. Doesn't talk much but still has a few admirers - well, in the cheerleading squad anyway." She smirked.

 "He talked to me," I replied, turning back to look at him.

 "Aww has Kat's got a crush?" she crooned.

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