Hide and Seek

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*Not Edited*

Chapter 15

Hide and Seek

Georgie’s POV

I know Phil told me to trust him, but I was too curious to listen.

I waited until he had disappeared around the corner before I followed him, walking slowly and keeping a safe distance behind him.

He walked down the corridor to the car park, heading to the far side of the deserted space.

Quickly I darted around the line of trees, making sure I was well hidden.

Looking back at where Phil had was, I saw that he wasn’t alone. The twins, Jacinta and the blonde boy I had saw Caitlin tap on the shoulder, were with him.

I wasn’t close enough to hear what they were saying but I was able to see their facial expressions

The three boys all wore distressed looks on their faces, while Jacinta and Caitlin looked like they were going to cry.

Bewildered, I wondered what was going on, they clearly all knew each other, so why pretend they didn’t?

I watched as Phil turned and embraced the beautiful blonde Jacinta.

Instantly jealously roared through my body,

What was going on between them? I thought angrily.

But when they pulled apart and were standing side by side, I was shocked at how much they looked alike. While they had different colouring, their facial features were almost identical. Almost like they were… related.

Quickly my eyes moved over to the twins standing on the other side of Phil. While the two shared similar features with Phil, truthfully they didn’t look much alike.

Utterly confused and deep in thought, I didn’t notice the small group move until they were almost halfway across the car park.

When I looked up a second later I noticed Jacinta and the attractive blonde boy jump into a small blue car, while Phil was halfway through tugging a helmet over his head, swinging his long legs over his bike.

Even in my baffled state, I still noticed how nice his ass looked in the tight black jeans he was wearing…

Georgie! A voice scolded me, Stop focusing how nice the boy-who is obviously lying to you- ass is!   

“Shut up!” I told it out loud. Aware that if anyone had heard me talking to myself, I would seem like I was insane.

Tuning back into the present I observed that the only ones left were Alex and Caitlin.

Alex looked as if he was trying to calm Caitlin down. She was breathing fast and had a panicked expression on her face.

After a minute she seemed to relax though, pulling Alex into a tight embrace before the two took off into Alex’s black sports car, roaring out of the parking lot.

After they left, I tore off back into school, conscious to the fact that I was late to class, but honestly I didn’t care. My mind was to busy buzzing with the questions of who the boy that I liked was, and the biggest question of all.

Could I trust him?

Katerina POV

Alek expertly navigated through the busy LA traffic, following the black car that held Pearce, Gabby, Sax and Jez, heading towards the location that Dante’s car was at.

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