Caught in the Spotlight

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Hey There :)

Well here is the long awaited tenth chapter! I just wanted to thank everybody who's supported me so far! It really means a lot :) Also this week, I've had a thousands reads on my story! I couldn't believe it! So happy!!! Now if anyone has any questions at all, just ask me! Now...

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<3 Sahara xoxo

Chapter 10 

Caught in the Spotlight

“Georgie…” I trailed off, “Hey.”

She just stared at me for a moment, before her gaze focused on my eyes.

“What’s with the colour of your eyes?” she asked.

Shit! I thought to myself again. I forgot to take the contacts out, so my usual emerald green eyes were now a piercing sky blue. My mind scrambled trying to think up a lie. After a second I opened my mouth to answer, “Well-”

Pearce! You dickhead!” I heard Alek yell, interrupting me.

The boys had stopped for a moment to discuss something, while I had continued walking towards car that Alek had unlocked for me. So neither of them had seen Georgie standing on the other side, who was now staring at the two boys arguing. Recognition dawning in her eyes as soon as she realised who they were.

My eyes widened in horror when her face scrunched up in confusion, “Pearce?” She asked, bewildered.

Once again I went to answer her “It’s-”

But again I was interrupted… By Pearce this time, “Don’t yell at me Alek, It’s not my fault you didn’t hit him hard enough. We should have just killed him to start with!” He exclaimed.

Now both boys, who had continued walking again while yelling at each other, came into view of the other side of the car. They both stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Georgie.

Crap!” I heard Alek swear under his breath, as he took in Georgie’s confused face.

Pearce’s face had just paled for a second, before it took on an unreadable expression.

“Pearce…Alek? Why were you guys calling yourself that?” Georgie inquired.

Alek spoke first, “Pearce is Phil’s middle name, we call him by that sometimes, and you must have heard wrong about my name. It’s Alex, not Alek,” he explained. Alek was always good at thinking quick when put on the spot.

“Oh,” she mumbled, “That makes sense… I guess… But wait! What were you guys talking about before? Something about killing someone!?” She asked frantically.

“Video game,” Alek lied smoothly, “Phil caused us to lose a game to our cousins. That’s who we were just visiting, they live a couple of streets over in one of these apartments,” Alek pointed to the large buildings that stood tall behind us.

“And that’s what’s with my eyes. Me and my little cousin were playing a very elaborate game of dress ups” I quickly put in.

Georgie’s face still held suspicion but let the subject drop, as we had answered all her questions.

“Oh ok-ay,” she said slowly, “Well I’ve got to get home to my mum, before she does something stupid.”

She noticed me giving her a curious stare.

“My mum started drinking when I left an hour ago, so she would be very drunk by now,” She explained for me.

I nodded, giving her a sympathetic look, while the two boys just looked confused. I caught Pearce’s eye and mouthed “I’ll tell you later.”

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