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Chapter 16




Alcina’s eyes widened as soon as she noticed me peering through the corner of the window. Struggling against the ropes that tied her to the chair, she moved her head to the side frantically signally me to get the hell out of here.

I gave her a sad smirk, like I would leave her here.

I quickly assessed the rest of the room taking in Dante unconscious on the floor, his hands and feet tired together by a thick piece of rope.

My heart ached just wanting to get my beloved cousins out of here safe and sound. I counted two entries into the room; the door and the vent on top of the ceiling, which was looking like the safest bet to get them out of here.

Suddenly the door flung open and I quickly ducked down, holding my breath waiting for a sign that someone had seen me standing there.

After a couple of seconds I slowly lifted myself back up and looked through the corner of the window, two large men had walked into the room followed by a smaller man in an expensive looking suit. One of the men walked over to Dante lying helplessly on the floor, and kicked him in the stomach.

I gasped loudly but shoved my hand over my mouth to silence it, my mind was racing, how was I going to get them out? The two thugs both had machine guns swung over their backs and the third smaller man had a pistol in his suit jacket that I could see the outline of. All I had was my pistol and knife, with no back up plan or really a plan at all, it was almost a suicidal mission.


It was only then that I tuned into the two way, my own thoughts had shoved out the calls of my cousins and brother calling frantically over the radio wanting to know where I was.

I ducked back down from the window and looked at my surroundings before replying, “I’m northwest from where we split up, outside of the far corner room, besides the large window that faces east. There are cameras on the right hand side of the building and in the third tallest tree opposite of the house,” I paused for a moment before adding, “Come quickly please!” My voice breaking from the formal tone I used before allowing my panic to slip through.

“We’ll be there soon Kitty Kat, just hang on,” I heard Alek say, trying to reassure me.

Looking back through the window again, I saw that Dante had woken and was now slouching in a chair that the thugs have shoved him onto too. The man with the suit was standing in front of Alcina, his face showing no emotion, completely cold.

I watched as Alcina struggled to keep the fear off her face, never once looking in the direction that would give my location away. My heart was racing, and I could feel the panic sit in the back of my mind threatening to take over.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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