Missing in Action

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Hey there everyone! :D

Here's the fourtenth chapter of the Deadly Beautiful!

If anyone had not realised yet, We've had a name change! I'm Deadly Beautiful... And I'm Armed has been changed to Deadly Beautiful!

Deadly Beautiful isn't such a mouthful and is easy to write! Okay I'll let you get on reading the chappy and I'll put a more detailed authors note down the bottom!

Now Remember!


<3 Sahara xoxo

A.N Not edited! So sorry for the errors! :)

Chapter 14

Missing in Action

Katerina’s POV

Amused, I watched as Georgie flushed bright red when I mentioned that Pearce hadn’t been home last night.

“Speaking of Phil,” Sandy piped up, “There he is.”

I swear Georgie swung her head around that fast that I was surprised that her neck didn’t snap. Sandy and I exchanged an entertained look at her actions.

But when I turned back I noticed Georgie had turned back around, a dishearten look on her face.

Puzzled I looked over her shoulder at Pearce, who was standing with a beautiful blonde, who after a moment I recognised as Jez.

I narrowed my eyes at my cousins. They weren’t supposed to know each other.

 We were given instructions by Grandfather to pay no attention to Sax and Jez. But here were my cousins standing with their heads close together, talking in low tones, and acting like they knew each other very well, completely disobeying Grandfather’s orders.

Jez and Pearce suddenly as if feeling my gaze, turned towards me. This was when I noticed the look of distress on their faces. Instantly dread rose inside me.

What had happened?

Pearce seeing the question in my eyes inclined his head towards the car park outside, before glancing at Sax who was a few metres away from me, shoving stuff into his small locker.

Catching his drift I gave a small nod, letting him know I understood before turning back towards the girls, seeing both Jez and Pearce moving down the hallway out of the corner of my eye, probably in search of Alek.

“I gotta go,” I blurted out, causing them to give me bemused glances.

“Why,” Sandy asked after a moment.

Smoothly I answered her, making up an excuse off the top of my head.

Sandy buying my story, nodded. She was so innocent, believing the best in everyone, never expecting them to lie. Georgie however, was not so believing. I noticed over the last week that she seemed to be very good at reading people, picking up easily when they were not telling the truth. Which makes it harder for me, since now she was giving me an apprehensive look, obviously not quite accepting my story.

But I didn’t give her a chance to object, turning on my heel striding off. As I walked past Sax, I gave him a quick double tap on his shoulder, letting him know that I wanted him to follow me.

He didn’t turn straight away, which I expected. I continued walking knowing that after a minute he would be following me.


“What’s happened?” I asked Pearce.

The five us were huddled behind a tree at the far end of the deserted car park- which was due to everyone was in class since school had started five minutes ago.

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