Finding Answers

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Hey Everybody :)

Sorry for the long wait! I've been called into work lately and then got hit with the dreadful writers block... but I've managed to upload the first part of Kat and Nate's date. I hope you like it! The first part is Georgie's point of view when she met Kat and that after their job :) And thank you to all the wonderful people who have showed their support on this story! It's much appreciated!

Now if you like it...


<3 Sahara xoxo

Chapter 11 

Finding Answers

Georgie’s POV

I looked into Caitlin’s sky blue eyes that widened in horror as soon as she turned around and saw me. But the look was masked quickly; replacing it was an expressionless stare.

“What’s with the colour of your eyes?” I asked her, recalling the fact that her eyes were normally an emerald green. Not a hint of blue at all.

Again her eyes widened a fraction, as a panicked look flashed onto her face for a second.

Most people would have missed it, but I’ve always been good at reading people. Picking up on emotions or looks on their faces that others usually miss.

“Well-,” she started, but was interrupted by sudden shouting on the other side of the car.

Pearce! You dickhead!”  A deep voice yelled.

I looked over Cat’s head and saw two dark haired boys arguing. The taller one of the two was throwing his hands up the air, while the smaller one had his arms crossed over his body, glaring.

After a moment of staring at the arguing pair, I recognised who they were. Phillip and Alex Jones; Caitlin’s extremely gorgeous brothers. I looked at Phil’s lean, fit body for a minute, admiring his biceps as he threw hands around. Making the muscles strain against the tight black t-shirt he was wearing, whilst staring back at Alex.

After realising what I was doing, I quickly turned back around to Cat.

Georgie! Control yourself, you’re trying to stay away from the boy remember!

Wait, I suddenly though, “Pearce?” I said, scrunching my face up in confusion.

Had Alex just called Phil, Pearce?

Caitlin stared at me for a second before answering, “It’s-,” but again she was interrupted, by a voice I recognised as Phil’s, “Don’t yell at me Alek, It’s not my fault you didn’t hit him hard enough. We should have just killed him to start with!”

A second later the boys came into view of this side of the Alex’s black sports car.

The two boys stopped in their tracks as soon as they saw me. I watched as Phil’s face paled and heard Alex swear under his breath. Very confused now, I asked, ‘Pearce…Alek? Why were you guys calling yourself that?”

I listened as Alex explained that Phil’s middle name was Pearce, and that I must have heard wrong because his name was Alex not Alek, also they had lost a video game to their cousins, and that’s why they were yelling at each other.

It all made sense, and when Caitlin piped up, “And that’s what’s with my eyes. My little cousin and I were playing a very elaborate game of dress ups”.

All my questions were answered, but that still didn’t explain Caitlin’s edgy behaviour when she saw me or Phil’s pale face for that matter to.

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