Hidden Truth

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Hey Everybody :)

Here's the fifth chapter a little bit longer than last time :)

hope you enjoy. Also if anyone wants to make me a cover or suggest a cast?? Also if you can spot any errors just let me know and if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to send me a message :)

*Update*- Beautiful cover on the side by TimeInBetween who this chapter is also dedicated to. Also her story "Picture Perfect Memories" is amazing if anyone is interested I suggest to head on over and check it out! Totally worth the time :D

<3 Sahara


Chapter 5

Hidden Truth

Alek and I stayed silent in the car while Gab chatted constantly about random things which I had zoned out of in the first couple of seconds. Still looking at the photo in my hand, my mind went back to a conversation that I had with my father about a year before they died.


“Dad?” I asked. “What’s the difference between a murderer and an assassin?” I had recently heard my older cousin Dante talking about assassins and was curious about what they were; all I knew is that they killed people. I remember my parents exchanging uneasy glances which had confused me then, but now I know why this conversation hit close to home. “Well,” my father had started off. “A murderer kills because of revenge, anger or greed but a assassin is paid to kill people, so most of the time they have no personal connection to the victim – they just kill because they are told to.”

I had pondered over this for a while. “So they’re both bad then?”

“Not necessarily honey, sometimes they’re hired to take out bad people, people who don’t deserve to live anymore. So in some way they sometimes do the public a service, so they are not always bad.”

“But not all the time.”


“So they’re bad.”

“Yes Honey, I guess they are,” he had said sadly.

“Daddy,” I had said. “I never want to be an assassin.”

My mother and father had exchanged a glance. “Darling,” my mother replied, “I hope you will never have to be one.” 


I chuckled humorlessly to myself. How ironic, I thought. I am what I never wanted to be.

“What are you laughing about back there?” Alek asked, looking at me in the review mirror.

“Nothing,” I replied. “Keep your eyes on the road brother; I never trust your driving.”

“What are you talking about? I’m an awesome driver!”

I scoffed. “Yes, bro, you keep telling yourself that.”

“I will,” he muttered. “Because it’s true.”

“Seriously guys cut it out,” Gabby said. “God! It’s like dealing with children.” She paused and then continued. “So Kit Kat, tell me more about this guy.”

“Which one?” my brother commented dryly.

“What!!! Jeez Katerina, how many did you meet!?” She exclaimed

“Only two!” I replied haughtily. “One is the cousin of a girl I met and the other…well I bumped into him and I have a class with him.”

“You bumped into… him? Jeez Kat, obviously all your training went down the drain,” she said sarcastically.

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