Truth, Lies... And Shopping!?

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Hey There :)

I just want to say a big thank you to everybody who has voted and commented on my story, you don't know how much it means to me *Cries tears of joy* So because of all the support I have uploaded early :)

Now I just want to say a few things, first of all this chapter is dedicated to AnnieGil for her awesome support on my story! I also suggest you check out her story called The Sacrifices,  even though it's short at the moment it's really orginal, unique, amazing and totally worth your time! :D

Also another story I will like to recommend is Picture Perfect Memories by TimeInBetween because it needs more credit than it's getting and in my eyes an amazing book written by a great author

So please check these two stories out please!


So remember to...


<3 Sahara xo

P.S Picture of Kat's dress on the side! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Chapter 8

Truth, Lies… And Shopping!?

Katerina’s POV

By the time I got home the anger had left me, looking back I realized how foolish I was. I sat in the garage contemplating whether I should turn around and go pick Pearce up. When I thought, you know what? Stuff him! He can walk; he’s a pain in the ass ninety nine percent of the time, so hopefully this will teach him a lesson. Grabbing the keys I opened the car door and got out. Walking on the footpath to the front entrance of the house, I opened the door, and found Jez on the other side.

“Hey Kat, you’re home late” she greeted me.

“Yeah had to stay behind for a project” I lied easily.

Jez studied me for a few seconds. That’s the thing living with assassins and spies; you have real trouble lying to them, they pick up everything.

“Okay…” she replied hesitantly “Where’s Pearce?”

“Left him at the school, he was being a pain” I answered simply, shrugging my shoulders.

You what!?” she exclaimed, Jez loved her older brother and completely idolized him, “Kat how could you?! How’s he going to get home?”

“Not my problem Jezy. Anyway he was being an ass.”, just as I said this I heard a car coming in the driveway. I paused “Are we expecting anyone?”

Jez shook her head “No, I don’t think so, no one’s really home.”

Grabbing my gun, I yelled out for Alek hoping he could hear me and rushed to the window peering outside. I spotted a small blue car pulling into the driveway.

“What?” Alek asked, walking into the room wearing only a pair of athletic shorts.

“Jeez Alek put some clothes on!”

“Seriously Kat, did you call me in here to yell at me?” he argued.

“No! But seriously put some clothes on!” I exclaimed “And I called you in here because someone's pulled in and I don’t think were expecting anyone.”

As quick as a flash, Alek walked over to the cabinet in the corner of the room and opened a drawer pulling out a gun. We have guns hidden all over the house; you never know when you need one.

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