Chapter 1

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Katniss' POV:
It's the first day back in high school and Madge and I are on our way to get our schedules. Madge and I have been best friends since Pre-K. We kinda have a lot in common, both of our dads left us when we were little and now we stay with our moms who could care less about us. Which basically means we only have each other. "Come on Kat!!!" Madge calls to me. "Let's go!" "Wait! you see what I see?" "If you're talking about those two hot guys then yes but we can't stare or.......well maybe we can." "Exactly...." "But we don't have time. Let's go!" She says dragging me along with her.
When we finally get our schedules we find out that we have every class together except one which is right after lunch, which hopefully means that this is going to be a great school year. The first thing we notice when we walk into our homeroom class is that the two boys we saw earlier are there too. "This day just keeps getting better and better." Madge whispers to me. They look up and catch us staring so we just flash them a smile before finding a seat.
As our homeroom teacher calls the roll Madge and I find out their names are Gale and Peeta. Once the the teacher is finished we go off to our first class and they're also there. "Do you think they have the same class as us?" Madge asks. "I don't know but I'm pretty sure they think we're crazy." "Do you think we scared them?" "I hope not."
Class starts and the teacher Ms.Wilson tells everyone in the class to find a partner. Of course Madge and I are together. "Ok class. Everyone calm down!" Ms.Wilson says clapping her hands. "Now I'm going to pair each of you with another pair to form a group. Then you'll begin working on your projects." Madge and I groan. We barely know anyone in this class. "Ok. Let's get started. Jackie and Lucy with Adam and James, Linda and Malena with Sam and John, Grace and Jacob with Mary and Chloe, Katniss and Madge with Gale and Peeta...." I don't hear anything else after she says our names because the biggest smile on Madge's face is very distracting.

Peeta's POV:
When the teacher calls me and Gale's name we're really surprised at who we get paired with. Their names are Katniss and Madge. We notice them from homeroom because they were the ones staring and smiling at us. In my opinion they're actually pretty cute. Maybe I- "Dude," Gale says drawing me away from my thoughts. "Yeah?" "What are you thinking about?" "Nothing." "Come on. I always can tell when something is on your mind. If I didn't know any better I'd think it was about those girls." "Well...." Our conversation is cut short by a calm, soft voice behind us. "Hi. My name is Madge and this is Katniss." "Hi." I say shaking their hands. After our little introduction we talk about how we should do our project. It has to be on different ways you could change the Earth by creating and using new inventions. We finally just decide to do a big banner with all different kinds of inventions. We agree to meet at Katniss house around 4:30. Maybe this group project won't be so bad after all........

Katniss' POV:
Madge goes home with me after school and we talk and order pizza for when the guys come over. "Isn't it just great that we have two of the hottest guys in mostly all of our classes?" Madge says sitting next to me on the couch. "I guess it's pretty cool...." "Come on! Deep down inside I know you're super happy." "Maybe I am....maybe I'm not but the question is when are you going to ask Gale out?" "How did you know I liked Gale?" "Madge, it's pretty obvious." "And you and Peeta?" "What about me and Peeta?" "I know you like him!" "Madge I barely know him." "So you don't think he's cute?" "I never said that....he definitely is super cute." "Which means you definitely like him." "Madge no it doesn't I just think that-" I'm interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. "We're not done with this conversation yet." I say going over to open the door and welcome Gale and Peeta inside. We talk and eat pizza. I think we talk more about everything other than our project. "So....." I say. "What class do you guys have after lunch?" "Well I have art." Peeta says. "And I have some wood shop class." Gale says. "I have band and Kat has a cooking class." Madge says. "I'd love to hear you play sometime." Gale says winking at her. "Well not today." She says blushing. "We really have to get started on this project." "Yeah." I say. "And since Peeta has art let's see what he can do." He gives me a small smile and I return it.
"Peeta you're extremely talented!" Madge says after we've successfully completed the project. "I don't know what we would've done without you." "Peeta is very skilled at anything artistic." Gale says. "I've had a lot of practice." He says. "I better get home." Madge says standing up. "I could drive you." Gale says also standing up. "That would be great. Hey Kat?" "Yeah?" Meet me at my house tomorrow morning?" "Sure. Bye." "Bye." After they leave Peeta decides to stay and help me clean up. We throw away the empty pizza box and put away markers, pencils, and paper. When we are almost done the front door flies open and my mom runs straight to the bathroom. "Shouldn't you go make sure she's ok?" Peeta ask. "No. She's fine. She's just drunk like always." "What do you mean by 'always'?" I look down at my feet not really wanting to answer. I hate talking about the past, especially when it's about my mom. "Sorry." He says before I can say anything. "We don't have to talk about it." "Oh. No it's ok. I just don't like to talk about it sometimes but it started on my 5th birthday. That morning when I woke up my dad was gone and we haven't seen him since." "I'm sorry." "Don't be. Obviously he didn't really care about us. Without him being with us made my mom go a little crazy. She started drinking everyday after work and eventually found this guy. The only time he ever comes over is late at night and all they ever do is have sex. It's disgusting!" "So what about you?" "What about me? Isn't it obvious that both my mom and dad care nothing about me! I'm perfectly fine taking care of myself." Before I know it Peeta has his arms around me which surprises me but after a few seconds I relax. "You're not alone." He whispers. "Madge, Gale, and I will always be by your side no matter." "Thanks. It's always just been Madge and I. We've always had each others backs since neither of our parents have been there for us." "Well now you'll also have me and Gale." He says releasing me. "I'll see you tomorrow." He says walking towards the door." "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow."
Song-Team by Lorde

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