Chapter 4

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Katniss' POV:
"I dare you to kiss Peeta!" Madge says. I give her a nice mean glare before turning to Peeta and giving him a small kiss on his cheek. "Oh come on Kat!" "I kissed him didn't I? You never said it had to be a kiss on his lips!" "Fine! But this isn't over." She says pointing at me. I continue the game by daring Johanna to drink a gallon of the punch knowing it contains alcohol. But she doesn't seem to mind at all. As the game goes on I zone out and think about having to kiss Peeta. I would never kiss Peeta more than what I just did unless he wanted me to. I don't want him to feel uncomfortable. I mean he might have a girlfriend. Why wouldn't he? He is like one of the hottest guys at our school. It might become awkward between us and I definitely don't want that because Peeta is a great friend.
"Peeta." Gale says. Truth or Dare?" "Dare." He says bravely. "I dare you to kiss Katniss....on the lips." Without even thinking I know for sure that Madge put him up to this. I look over at her and see that she has a weird smile her face. I roll my eyes at her and turn towards Peeta. We slowly lean towards each other and give each other a quick kiss. I mean the kiss was fine....well it was actually more than fine but I'm just hoping that maybe just maybe Peeta doesn't feel weird about what just happened. He might even feel more than comfortable with what just happened because even though it was only a quick small kiss for some stupid game I did feel a small spark when we made contact with each other.
Yes it's short😁 and I'm sorry🙃 but more soon😊

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