Chapter 10

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Katniss' POV:
"Well Glimmer and I are going to work on our project after school." Peeta says looking at Glimmer. I let what he just said sink in. Should I be worried? No. Peeta is too nice and sweet. He wouldn't hurt me. "You ok?" Peeta says knowing something is on my mind. "Oh. Yeah. I'm fine." I say looking down at my food. "Are you sure Katniss? Because-" "I'm fine." I say interrupting and looking back up at him. "Don't worry about me. I just thought that we could hangout together after school but I know you guys have to get that project done so maybe another time." "I promise that we can do something together tomorrow." He says taking my hand. "I'll call you later tonight." "Ok....." I say as him and Glimmer leave to go to the library. On the outside I'm telling him that I'm perfectly okay with everything right now but on the inside I'm completely the opposite. I grab my things and tell Madge that I'm going to the bathroom and since the bell should be ringing pretty soon I tell her not to wait up for me, even though we each have a different class anyway we still like to walk together. I don't know why but when I walk into the bathroom I cry silent tears. I don't even understand why I'm crying. Peeta isn't going to let anything happen between them. If something was going on between them he would tell me but he would never cheat on me. The bell rings interrupting my thoughts. Before I walk out of the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror and laugh. I wipe my face and smile. I was so stupid to cry but I feel better because I know for sure Peeta won't do anything. I sprint to class feeling way better about the entire situation.

Peeta's POV:
I don't know what's gotten into Katniss but she has been acting weird. Maybe she'll be better when I see her after my art class. Glimmer walks up to me and we walk to class together. "So Katniss is your girlfriend?" Glimmer asks. "Yeah." I say with a small laugh. "But you didn't get to meet the real her. She was acting kind of weird today." "Do you think something is wrong?" "If there is something wrong I'm sure she would tell me." "Well maybe I could get to know her when she's in a better mood." "Definitely. I think you two will get along just fine." "Ok well let's go to art." She says grabbing my hand and dragging me to the art room.

Katniss' POV:
After my cooking class Madge asked me to skip the last two classes with her and just go home. I don't object I just follow her outside to the parking lot. "I've had enough of this day." Madge says walking towards Gale's car. "Wait. We're taking Gale's car?" "Yeah. I don't have my car and we are not walking home in plain sight. So I stole his keys." "Did you ever think that I had my car?" "Yes. I did. But then I remembered that you always ride to school with Peeta on Mondays." "Oh. Yeah." "Well then. Are you ready?" She says getting into the car. "Yeah." I say also getting in the car. When she drops me off at my house I take a nice long shower and then I sleep for a couple of hours until my phone goes off. It's Peeta.
P-Hi where r u?
K-Madge didn't feel up 2 finishing the rest of her classes so she asked me 2 skip with her
P-So I'm guessing u guys took Gale's car?
I lounge around for a couple more hours until finally around 7 I get in my car and drive to Peeta's house. He can't still be working on that project with Glimmer, right? I arrive at his house and knock on his front door. "Hi." He says opening the door. "Hi Peeta I was just-" I stop when I walk in and notice Glimmer is still here. "Sorry. I didn't realize you guys were still working on your project." "I was just leaving." Glimmer says standing up. "No. Stay. You don't have to leave. I'm sorry I interrupted." "It's really no problem. I'll see you at school Peeta." She says before walking out the door. "I really didn't think she would still be here." I say turning towards Peeta. "It's fine Katniss." He says taking my hand and making me sit next to him on the couch. "So how's the project going?" "Good but I don't want to talk about that I want to talk about you." "Me? What about me?" "You've been acting....weird." "Weird? How?" "I mean well you've acting really clingy all day and I told you that I would call you later tonight. You didn't have to come over." "You don't want me here?" "No! I just didn't expect you to be here." "Look Peeta I'm sorry. I just don't know...." "I hate to ask but.....are you jealous?" "No! Well I'll admit at first I was but then I got over it." "Katniss I promise you have nothing to worry about." "I know. I know!" "I actually think you and Glimmer would be great friends." "Ok. I promise that I'll give her a chance." "Good. I'll see you tomorrow?" "I'll see you tomorrow." I say before walking out the door.
Song-Magic by Coldplay

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