Chapter 9

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Katniss' POV:
It's Monday morning and I'm waiting for Peeta to come and pick me up for school. We've been going out for a couple of months now and we always have fun together. Especially when we are with Madge and Gale too. But Madge and Gale have been fighting a lot lately. They even broke up for awhile but then got back together after talking and sorting everything out. I never would have thought that Madge and Gale would actually break up. They are so cute together but I guess everyone has their own opinions and differences. I get a text from Peeta and I walk outside and get in his car. "Hi." I say smiling. "Hi Kat." He says kissing me on my cheek before we head off to school.

Madge's POV:
I'm so sick of Gale. He was supposed to pick me up for school 15 minutes ago. Thanks to him I'm late. He's probably drunk. Again. Now I'm running all the way to school hoping I will get there right before the late bell rings. If only I had my car but "someone" *cough cough* Gale wrecked it last week. When I finally get to school I make it just in time. As I'm taking my seat in homeroom next to Kat I notice we have a new student. She looks nice and friendly. As she walks past me to find a seat I start to say hi but just as she steps past me her water bottle falls out of her hand and water goes everywhere on me. Could this day get any worse?

Peeta's POV:
There's a new girl in our homeroom class and it turns out she is in all of my classes. Her name is Glimmer. She seems very nice but I have a feeling she is on Madge's bad side. After she spilled all of that water on her she kept apologizing and Madge just stared at her and shook her head. When she walks past me she flashes me a smile and waves. I smile and wave back and I can feel Katniss' eyes on me so I turn around. "What was that?" She says with a frown. "Nothing. I was just being friendly." She turns around and doesn't talk to me for the rest of homeroom. I actually can't believe that she might be jealous.

Gale's POV:
I wake up and I am an hour and thirty minutes late for school. Well I guess partying all night isn't good the day before you have school but oh well. So I decide I'm not going until I remember I was supposed to take Madge to school this morning. I jump out of bed and throw some clothes on. Madge and I  just got back together again and I just can't ruin it this time. I speed to school and luckily they are at their lockers about to go to their second class. I spot Madge talking to Katniss so I walk over to her. "Look Madge. I'm sorry. I over slept." "Well I guess I'll just leave you two-" "No. Stay." Madge says interrupting Katniss "Look Gale. I've had enough of your shit. I know that's not the only reason why you were late. So when you get your act together call me." She says before walking off with Katniss. I stare wide eyed and let the words she just said sink in before I walk to class.

Katniss' POV:
Today at school there is so much going on. A new girl, the water incident, Peeta flirting, the fight between Madge and Gale (again). I just can't believe it. I haven't talked to Peeta since homeroom. He just made me so mad!! I guess I am over reacting a little but it made me so jealous. So now we are in science class and we have to do a partner project. Of course me and Madge are going to be partners but then the teacher says that she will be choosing our partners. Oh how great. She calls out the names and I get paired with Annie, Madge with Johanna, Gale with Finnick, and of course Peeta......with Glimmer.

Peeta's POV:
We are doing a partner project and for some reason the teacher decides to choose our partners. Surprisingly I get paired with Glimmer. Great. Now Katniss probably won't talk to me for the rest of the day. I mean she barely talked to me in homeroom just for smiling at her. Like it's my fault we got paired up. Oh well I guess Katniss will just have to suck it up and at least try to be friends with her. I honestly think she may be overeating. When the teacher is done calling out who's with who I walk over to Glimmer. "Hi. I'm Peeta." I say shaking her hand. "Hi. I'm Glimmer." She says quietly. "Hey there's no need to be shy. You'll fit right in." I say trying to make her feel better. "Thanks." She says actually smiling. "How about sitting with me at lunch today. I could introduce you to a couple of my friends and maybe it will make you feel more welcomed here." "Ok. Sure."

Katniss' POV:
While Annie and I are trying to talk we hear laughter so we turn around. Its Peeta and Glimmer talking and laughing like they have known each other forever. It kind of makes me sick to my stomach. But then I look at my wrist where my bracelet is and realize that Glimmer can't take him away from me. Peeta and I are in a relationship and she just can't come between us and ruin it. I am interrupted from my thoughts as Madge comes over and taps me on my shoulder. "Isn't that the new girl talking to Peeta?" "Yeah." I say rolling my eyes. "Someone's jealous." "No I'm not." I say lieing. "Ok. Whatever you say." She says walking away. Am I jealous? I keep thinking. "Hey Kat?" Annie says. "Yeah?" "Are you ok? You look a little worried." "Oh no. I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." Even though I said I'm fine I really don't know.
I walk with Madge and Johanna into the lunch room. Hopefully I can find some relief and stop worrying about Glimmer. But I'm wrong. She is sitting at our table next to Peeta. Great. Just great. But I have a plan. When we get to the table I sit on the other side of Peeta and kiss him. "Hi. What was that for?" He says confused. "What? A girl can't just kiss her BOYFRIEND for no reason?" I say that last part loud enough for Glimmer to hear. "Yes but you would only do it sometimes when you want something or when you're up to something." "Well I don't want anything and I'm not up to anything I don't think." "Ok." He says going back to talk to Glimmer. Really? Then as he is introducing us I run my hand through his hair. "Kat what are you doing?" he says laughing. "Nothing." I say trying to sound innocent. "Does Katniss want something?" He says in a little kids voice. "Nooooo. But I was wondering would you want to hang out at my house after school today?" I say knowing Glimmer could hear me. "I'm afraid I already have plans. Sorry." "Plans? What plans?" "Well..."
Longer but a cliffhanger!
What do you guys think of Glimmer?
Do you think she is going to cause trouble? Or will she easily fit into the group with everyone else?
Comment your thoughts below and continue reading in order to get the answer to all of these questions and MORE!

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