Chapter 3

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Katniss' POV:
I can't help but smile to myself. Today has been one of the best days ever. "What are you smiling at?" Peeta says smiling at me and softly hitting my hand. "Nothing." "Oh....well I love seeing you smile." I blush and smile again. When we finally get to my house I get out of the car and realize that Peeta was driving my car. Peeta walks over to me. "You can keep my car until tomorrow if you want." "Nahh that's ok. I don't live that far away. I can walk. "Are you sure? Because I don't mind." "Its ok! I promise." "Well....ok." "I guess I will see you tomorrow." Peeta says turning and walking away. "Yeah.......hey wait! Peeta!" "Yeah?" He says turning around. I run up to him and give him a big hug. "Thanks for everything today." "Hey it was no problem! And here......" He hands me his phone number. "If you ever need anything just let me know. Ok? I'll see you later." "Bye!" I say as I watch him walk away.

The next day is a blur because the next thing I know it is time for me to get ready for the party. It is 6pm and Peeta is picking me up around 7 and then we will meet up with Gale and Madge at the party. So I take a shower and put on my dress. I straighten my hair and find a nice pair of earrings to wear. Then I put on a nice pair of black flats. I see that I have a little time to spare so I decide to put on a little makeup. By the time I finish the doorbell rings so I grab my phone and purse and walk to the door. I walk outside and say hi to Peeta. As I am locking the door to my house I can feel Peeta staring at me. I turn and say "What?" "Woah!" "What!? Its my makeup isn't it. See that's why I never-" "No! You look amazing!" "Thanks! You don't look too bad yourself." "Well I tried my best!" We both laugh and walk to his car. "Oh yeah! Before I forget...." Peeta says giving me two small boxes. "For you." I take the two boxes from Peeta and open them. In one there is a beautiful silver necklace and in the other there is a similar silver bracelet with hearts on it. I gasp and Peeta smiles at me. "Peeta... This is beautiful! Thank you!" I put the necklace and the bracelet on and then we drive to the party. When we get to the party we catch up with Gale and Madge and then the fun really begins!
We all walk into the party together. We meet up with a couple of our other friends and meet their friends.We hang out and grab some punch to drink. After awhile we decide to dance to a few songs. As a Katy Perry song dies down a slow song comes on that I can't remember the name of. Then I realize I haven't seen Madge and Gale for awhile. While I am looking for them Peeta comes up to me.
"Hi." He says. "Hi." "Would to dance?" "With you?" Stupid question, I tell myself. He laughs. "Yes." "Umm sure." I say taking his hand. Just as I am putting my arms around his neck the music stops and Finnick announces that we are about to play Truth or Dare. much for dancing.....Peeta and I walk over to where everybody else is sitting in a circle. Even though we are no longer dancing I don't let go of Peeta's hand. I look over at him and I can tell that he looks a little disappointed. Thanks a lot Finnick. I give him a smile and squeeze his hand to let him know that it is ok. When we finally join the circle I find Gale and Madge sitting beside each other.

Madge's POV:
We all sit in a circle in order to play Truth or Dare. I see Peeta and Katniss walking this way. "Are they holding hands?" I ask Gale "It looks like it to me." He says. "Well I'm surprised." "Why?" "Because Katniss has never been that soft with other people. Let alone let them touch her." "Well I guess she really likes him." "Yeah. They would make a cute couple." As soon as I finish my sentence Finnick claps his hands in order to get our attention. "Ok." He says "Before we start I want to let you guys know that if any of you thought the punch tasted a little weird it is because we added a little alcohol, but never mind that! Let's play! Who wants to start?" "I will!" I shout. "Kat. Truth or Dare?" "Dare!" "Ok. I dare you to.....
This is a cliffhanger chapter I just didn't want you guys to think that I was supposed to finish it😊😊😊
Song- Falling Star by Jet

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