Chapter 5

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Katniss' POV:
After a few more rounds we end the game and just go hang out. I go get another cup of punch.
"Careful." Someone says coming up behind me. It's Peeta. "It has alcohol in it." He says. I just turn around and say "Live while you can." Then I take a long sip of my punch.

Peeta's POV:
I think Kat had a little too much punch because she is standing on top of a table with a plunger yelling "I am Queen Everdeen! All of you bow down to me!" Then Johanna comes in and jumps on the table next to Katniss. "We will rule the world!!!" She yells. Now they are hitting people with the plunger. Some people are starting to get angry and are throwing stuff at them. I can't let her embarrass her self anymore. "Katniss. Come on stop." "Oh what's wrong Peeta?" Johanna says "Afraid that your little girlfriend is gonna hurt someone?" I ignore her and go back to Katniss. "Katniss come on. Your making people mad." "Oh really? I didn't notice." She says sarcastically "Why are you really over here Mellark?" Johanna says "Do you think he wants something?" Katniss says looking at Johanna. "What? I never said-" "Oh what's wrong baby?" Katniss says cutting me off. "Do you miss me? Have I been a bad girl?" Most people are staring at us now. "Oh I know how to fix it." Then out of no where Katniss kisses me full on the mouth. People are shouting "Katniss! Katniss! Katniss!" "Is that better?" She says in a little girl's voice. Then she jumps on my back. People are still shouting her name while I am laying her down on the couch.

Katniss' POV:
I don't know exactly why but Peeta is carrying me on his back while people are cheering and shouting for me. I completely have no idea what I did but I hope it was at least somewhat good. When he finally puts me down on the couch I feel a sharp pain in my head. Peeta looks at me and sees that something is wrong. "You ok?" he asks "Yeah. I think I'm just ready to go home." "Ok. I'll go let Madge and Gale know that we are leaving." "Ok." "I'll be right back." As he walks away I put my hand up to my head. I can feel it throbbing. I can't believe I can't remember what happened. Everything is a haze. When Peeta finally comes back we walk out to his car. Halfway there I feel myself lose my balance and start to fall but Peeta catches me. "Thanks." I say "Anytime." When we finally get in his car I turn my head and look at Peeta. He looks at me and I smile. "What?" He says smiling. "Nothing. I just.......I just wanted to say thank you." "For what?" "For being more responsible than I am because I have no idea what just happened." "Well I'm not always responsible....." "Well you were tonight so thank you." We drive the rest of the way to my house in silence. I think I fall asleep because the next thing I know Peeta is tapping me on my shoulder. "You're home." He says "Thanks Peeta I had fun tonight." "Me too." I step out of his car and he walks me up to my door. "Look Peeta. I'm sorry if I did anything stupid tonight. I'm just stupid for continuing to drink that punch in the first place." "Well you did do some crazy things but I wouldn't say you are stupid. Many people were drunk." "Drunk? Ugh...that explains the headache." He lets out a small laugh. "I'm sure everyone is going to forget about everything by Monday." "I'm not worried about stupid people at school judging me....I'm just worried that I'm going to turn into my awful mother." "Katniss I'm sure that's not going happen." "Well thanks for everything Peeta." I say hugging him. "Thank you for being my date." "Hey Peeta?" I say letting him go "Yeah?" "I hope that you don't feel weird about that kiss we shared earlier." was know...pretty good but I...." "Peeta it's ok." I say laughing. "I understand what you're trying to say." "Sorry." He says looking down at his feet. "I just...I really like being your friend." I can't help but feel just a tiny bit sad inside. I thought for sure I felt a little something earlier but I guess it was just the punch. "I like being your friend too." I say making him look up which brings a smile appear on his face. After just a few moments of silence I break it. "Hey Peeta?" "Yeah?" He says looking me in my eyes. It's now or never or never. Without another second to reconsider I crash my lips onto his. After a few seconds I pull away. "I'm sorry." I say turning away. "I just wanted to have an actual real kiss with you and not just for some stupid game. "I honestly didn't mind it at all. If you ever feel the need to do it again feel free to let me know." He says winking at me and I can feel my face heat up. "Look Peeta I think I you." I now it may be to soon to tell him this knowing that there is a possibility that he won't like me back and it might ruin our friendship we have. "So...." I say slowly making eye contact with him again. "So....maybe I like you too." He says taking my hand. "I guess that means you're comfortable with all of this?" "Yes but I have to go now but I'll text you tomorrow." "Ok." I say smiling. "Goodnight Katniss." He says turning to leave. "Goodnight Peeta."
There was a party! Yes! Who doesn't love parties?😜🎉
Song-Tipsy by J-Kwon

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