Chapter 6

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Katniss' POV:
The next day I just lay around in bed. I mean it is Saturday. Around 9am I get a good morning text from Peeta so I also text him back good morning. I finally drag myself out of bed around 12 and then I take a shower and brush my teeth. After I eat breakfast I decide to call Madge and ask her if she wants to hang out tonight. She says yes and basically begs me to let the guys come over. I finally give in and decide to text Peeta again.
K-Do u want 2 hang out at my house 2nite?
P-Yea sure what time?
K-Mayb round 8. Madge and Gale will b here 2
P-Ok c u then!
Later on in the day I decide to go to the store and buy plenty of snacks. When I get back home it is almost 8 so I fill bowls with popcorn,candy,and chips. Right when I've filled the last bowl the door bell rings. I open the door and its Madge. "Hi Madge." "Well someone sounds really happy!!" "Why do you say that?" "Because you keep smiling." "No I'm not." "Yes you are!!! You can't deny it Kat." "Ok fine. Can you please just help me get ready?" "What! You still haven't got ready?" "No. I've just been busy and I just want to look good for-" "Wait. Since when did Katniss Everdeen care about the way she looked?" "No time for questions!! Just help me." I say grabbing her hand and dragging her up to my room. Madge picks out a light blue tank top and a pair of black shorts for me to where. She then puts my hair in a nice bun. I find the bracelet Peeta gave me last night and put it on right before I hear the doorbell ring. I run down stairs and answer it. "Hey Gale." I say as he walks in and sits on the couch. "Hey Kat how's it going?" "Good. How about you?" "I'm fine. Where's Madge? She said she was here." "Oh she's just up stairs. I'll go get her." "Ok. Oh yeah by the way Peeta told me to tell you that he is gonna be a little late. He had to help out his dad." "Ok. Thanks." I run up stairs and get Madge and then we talk for awhile before deciding to watch a movie on Netflix. As we are searching for a movie to watch the doorbell rings. "Oh I wonder who that could be." I say sarcastically "I don't know. Why don't you open the door and find out." Peeta says on the other side of the door. I open the door and let Peeta in. "Hey Peeta." I say hugging him. "We were just searching for a movie to watch." "Ok. Sounds like fun." I go sit on the floor and Peeta comes and sits beside me. I look up at him and smile. None of us can decide what movie to watch so Madge chooses one. I have no idea what movie it is but it is some kind of comedy. Halfway through the movie I feel an arm go around me and I already know who it is so I just smile and lay my head on his shoulder.
After the movie goes off we stuff our faces with candy and other junk food. Then we laugh so hard that tears are coming out of eyes. We just talk and joke around until Gale offers to go buy us ice cream. Madge goes with him while Peeta stays with me. We talk until he notices the bracelet I'm wearing."You're wearing the bracelet I gave you?" "Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" "I don't know. I didn't know you liked it that much." "Peeta I love it." "Hey....can I tell you something?" "Yeah sure. Anything." I say staring into his beautiful blue eyes. "I was just wondering would you....would you like to go out sometime?" "I would love to!" I say wrapping my arms around him. He then kisses me but this time it's a real kiss that not just one of us but the both of us wanted. We continue kissing for what seems like forever until Gale and Madge come back without us even noticing. "Havin fun there Peeta?" Gale says laughing and putting his hand on Peeta's shoulder. Peeta looks up at him and just shakes his head. "Well if he wasn't somebody else was." Madge says smiling at me. I stick my tongue out at her and take my ice cream from Gale.We all enjoy our ice cream in silence until Gale flicks some of his ice cream at Madge. Then we all get into an all out ice cream fight and ice cream goes flying everywhere. By the end of our little "fight" there is ice cream everywhere. On the walls in our hair on our clothes........ugh how am I gonna clean up this mess. Oh well I'll worry about it tomorrow. We all get cleaned up and Madge and Gale decide to go to bed so they go upstairs to the guest room. Peeta and I sit on the couch and watch TV for awhile until I get tired. "I think I'm going to head up to bed." I say with a yawn "I'm getting kind of tired too." Peeta says while I'm standing up. "Goodnight." He says stretching out on the couch. "Wait Peeta are you going to sleep on the couch?" "Yeah. I'm fine with it." "No Peeta I feel bad letting you sleep on the couch." "I'll be ok Kat. Don't worry about me." "Come up stairs and sleep with me." "I don't know Katniss. I don't-" "Please Peeta?" I say staring at him. "Ok." He says and I take his hand and we walk up stairs to my room. I climb into bed first and then Peeta climbs in behind me and wraps his arms around me. That night I sleep peacefully and have sweet dreams.
Song-Good For You by Selena Gomez

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