Chapter 7

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Katniss' POV:
The next morning I wake up and Peeta is still asleep. He looks so adorable! I softly kiss his cheek and he opens his eyes slowly and smiles at me. "So is this why you wanted me to sleep with you?" "Maybe. Maybe not." I say going to the bathroom to take a shower. When I come back Peeta is facing the opposite direction so I jump on his back. "Woah!" He says and I laugh. We then see Madge standing at my door. "And what's going on in here?" She says and we just stare at her and smile. After awhile we go downstairs and then I remember I have to clean up from our little "fight" last night. But when I walk into the living room it has already been done for me. "Yeah. I decided to clean up for you." Gale says walking into the room. "I thought it would be the nice thing to do since I did start the fight." "Thank you. It would have taken me forever." I say dragging Peeta over to the couch with me. We watch TV for awhile until I hear my stomach growl. Apparently Peeta heard it too. "Hungry?" He says "Yeah. A little." "Ok. I'm on it." "Wait Peeta....." But before I can finish Peeta is already in the kitchen and all we here is the clatter of pots and pans. "Well someone really wants to take care of you." Gale says. I blush and slap him on his arm as Madge laughs. We all sit and wonder what Peeta is up to until we smell the scent of bacon coming from the kitchen. My stomach is now growling uncontrollably. As if on cue Peeta comes in. "Breakfast anyone?" We all scramble into the kitchen to find plates filled we pancakes, bacon, and eggs. We sit down and stuff our faces. "Peeta how'd you learn to cook like this?" I say taking a bite of my bacon. "Yeah Peeta. This is really good." Madge says. "Well I guess you could say it runs in the family." He says winking at me. I smile and eat the rest of my bacon. "So what's the catch Peeta?" Gale asks. "What do you mean?" "Well we have been friends for so long and I have never heard of you cooking. So what's the deal?" "Well you see Gale" Madge says before Peeta can open his mouth to answer. "He likes Katniss more than you." She says laughing. I elbow her in her side as I feel my face get hot. Peeta gets up and walks over to the oven and pulls out a tray full of Cinnamon Rolls. "So I guess you guys don't want Cinnamon Rolls." We all snatch up a Cinnamon Roll and bite into it slowly. "These are amazing!!" I say taking my last bite. "I'm glad you like it." Peeta says kissing my cheek. We all clean up and then they gather their things so they can head home. Madge and Gale leave but Peeta stays for awhile. "I'm going to miss you." I blurt out without realizing it while I'm hugging him. "Its ok. I'm going to miss you too. But we'll see each other at school tomorrow." He says staring into my eyes. He then kisses me before walking outside to his car.
Kind of short......

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