Chapter 11

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Katniss' POV:
The next day at school I decide to go over and talk to Glimmer. "Oh hi Katniss." She says putting her book bag on the floor next to her desk. "Hi Glimmer. I'm sorry for acting weird yesterday. Maybe we could hangout later today?" "Sure. That would be cool." "Ok. We'll talk more at lunch." I say as our English teacher walks in the classroom.
Once it's time for lunch I wait at my locker for Madge like I do every day. "Hey." I say once she comes up to me. "Hey." "Do you wanna hangout with Glimmer and me after school?" "No way! I can't believe you even want to hangout with her." "Why not? She's really nice!" "Katniss have you not heard what she did?" "What are you talking about?" "Her and Peeta kissed." "That's not true! Peeta told me that nothing was going on between them. If that had happened I know for sure he would've told me." "Katniss I'm your best friend and I would never lie to you." "Well I don't believe you. Glimmer and I talked earlier and we had a really nice chat. I just think you're jealous of her!" "Jealous of that bitch!?" "Yes!" "Fine! If you don't believe your best friend since Pre-K then I guess Glimmer can become your new best friend! Good luck finding out the truth!" She yells before storming away. I roll my eyes and make my way to the cafeteria. Why would Madge say something so horrible just to stop Glimmer and I from becoming friends? Just because she doesn't want to be her friend doesn't mean I can't.
As I walk into the cafeteria Gale and Finnick walk over to me. "Are you ok?" Gale ask. I laugh. "Why wouldn't I be?" "I mean Glimmer did kind of come in between you and Peeta." Finnick says. "Oh no! Not you guys too! Why is everyone trying to stop me from becoming Glimmer's friend!" "Katniss..." Gale says. "Everyone knows. She basically told everyone herself." "Just look." Finnick says pointing over to where Glimmer is seated next to Peeta. "But it can't be. They're just friends. They're just talking." "Believe what you want." Gale says. "But we're your true friends." After that both of them walk away. I quickly walk over to the table where Glimmer and Peeta are. "Is it true!?" I ask looking at him. "What are you talking about?" "You know exactly what I'm talking about! Did you or did you not kiss her!?" "Katniss...." "Yes or no!?" "Katniss just sit down." "No! Just answer the question." "Ok...yes we did kiss but it isn't what you think. We promised each other that we wouldn't tell anyone. It was supposed to stay just between us because we knew it was wrong and to be completely fair she kissed me." "Well she must not have been really sorry about it since she basically told the entire school." "What?" "How else would I have figured out Peeta! I should've listened to Madge..." "Oh suck it up buttercup." Glimmer says finally speaking up. "Peeta deserves someone way better than you anyway." Without thinking I slap her across her face before walking out of the cafeteria. "Katniss!" I hear Peeta yell as he runs after me. "Katniss wait!" "Peeta why didn't you just tell me!" I say quickly turning around. "I thought you would be mad." "Of course I would've been mad! But I would've gotten over it because you would've told me the truth instead of hiding it from me." "Look Katniss I'm sorry." "Peeta I can't believe that I had to hear it from everyone else except you...." "What was I supposed to say?" "You could've just told me..." I say as tears stream down my face. "Katniss-" "No! Just...just leave me alone." I say as I continue to walk outside to my car.
When I finally get home I go up to my room and cry for hours until I can't cry anymore. I realize how rude I was to Madge and how I was so stupid not to believe her. I decide to call her hoping that she will pick up. After about three rings she picks up. "Madge please don't hang up!" I say quickly. "I was an idiot to not believe you and I'm extremely sorry. I don't blame you for being mad at me or never wanting to talk to me again." "Katniss it's ok." She says softly. "I forgive you. I know it was kind of hard for you to believe. I was kind of disappointed that you didn't believe me but it's ok. I promise." "Could you come over?" "Yeah. I'll be there in twenty." "Thanks Madge." I say before hanging up.
Less than twenty minutes later I hear the door bell ring. I walk downstairs to answer it knowing for sure that it is Madge but instead it's Peeta. "Peeta?" I say wiping my eyes."Look Katniss I-" He starts to say but I interrupt him. "No Peeta! I don't want to hear any excuses....No more lies. They are all just full of shit." I say trying to control myself. "I already know what happened and you even told me yourself. So whatever you have to say save it." I say before trying to close the door but he stops it with his foot. "Wait Kat-" "Peeta....I'm tired of crying. I'm over it." I say opening the door. "And soon I might be over you." I can see tears threatening to come out of his eyes. "But you know what?" I continue. "Sometimes reality hurts like hell but that means you have to move on or the pain will never go away." When I finish I can see several tears running down his face. He doesn't speak up so I slowly close the door back. I watch as he slowly walks back to his car. I can't believe this. Madge and Gale have had so many fights and they have always gotten back together. But Peeta and I have one fight that may lead to ending everything. I just wish none of this had ever happened. After about ten minutes Madge finally arrives.
"Look Kat" she says after we talk for awhile "I hate to say it but....I guess you are just gonna have to move on. It is gonna be hard but you have to. Its only for the best." "I know Madge. I know. But how could anyone replace Peeta?" "Well if it makes you feel any better I'm thinking about breaking up with Gale for good." "Really?" "Yeah. Well I think I'm just done with all of his shit." "I'm sorry Madge." "Don't be. The both of us are gonna get through all of this pain. I promise." She says giving me a hug.
---------At School---------
All day long I have been thinking about Peeta. I just can't stop thinking about him. But I have to. When Madge and I get to the cafeteria we see Peeta with his arm around Glimmer at a different table. "I can't believe him." Madge says "He goes half a day without a girlfriend and then all of a sudden he has another one." "Well he did make out with her so its not that big of a deal." I say slowly walking to our table. When I sit down I can feel someone staring at me. I turn around fast and see that it is Peeta. He quickly looks away. I can't believe I have him and Glimmer in all of my classes except one. She has been giving me dirty looks all day and has been trying to trip me everytime I'm near her. I try to keep my distance but some how I always end up near her. Finally after a long long day it is time to go home so I walk outside the building and of course right in front of me there's Glimmer and Peeta kissing. I walk past them thinking that they didn't see me but apparently Glimmer did because she sticks out her foot and I go tumbling down. She stands back and starts to laugh as I pick myself up off the ground. My anger over comes me and I lunge at her.
Well Katniss seems a bit angry if you ask me😅
Song-Lovesick by Jacob Whitesides

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