Chapter 8

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Peeta's POV:
When I get to school I see Katniss at her locker so I go up to her and wrap my arms around her waist. "Hi." I say kissing her cheek. She smiles and turns around to wrap her arms around my neck. "So Mellark....what has gotten into you today?" I laugh."What? I can't be happy to see my girlfriend?" "I don't know. I didn't exactly know that we were an official couple." "Well of course we are. Why wouldn't we be?" "I'm just kidding with you Peeta. Any girl would love to be your girlfriend. I'm just glad that that girl is me." I was about to kiss her again but we are interrupted by Madge and Gale making gagging sounds. "Oh real mature you guys." I say turning around to look at them. "Like you guys have never kissed in public." Katniss says laying her head on my shoulder. They just laugh and we all walk to homeroom together.

Katniss' POV:
Madge and I are walking to our lockers before lunch and the guys are no where to be found. We wait for them for awhile and then we just give up and start walking to the cafeteria. "Where do you think the guys are?" I ask Madge "I don't know. We always go to lunch together." "Yeah. So what could be different about today?" As soon as I say that my phone vibrates in my pocket. Its Peeta.
P-I know we always walk 2gether but 2day u may just b happy we didn't. Meet me and Gale in the cafeteria at our normal table😘
K-Ok. We will c u there.☺️
Madge and I walk into the cafeteria and find Peeta and Gale talking and laughing. When we walk up to them they have a bouquet of flowers for the both of us and lots of different sweets surrounding the table. Madge and I both wrap our arms around them speechless. We just can't believe they did all of this for us. "Why do you guys spoil us?" Madge says laying her head on Gale's shoulder. "Because if we didn't you guys would kill us." Gale says and we all laugh. "So is this why you were so happy this morning?" I ask Peeta "Maybe.......Maybe Not." He says smiling.

Its Saturday night and Peeta and I are going on a double date with Madge and Gale. I'm getting dress while Peeta is down stairs watching TV. I put on a nice blue shirt with a black pencil skirt. I then put back on the bracelet Peeta gave me. Ever since he gave it to me I always wear it. I walk down stairs and Peeta walks over to me. "You look great!" He says spinning me around. "Thanks." I say smiling. "When do we have to leave?" I ask walking over to the couch. " about 15 minutes." Peeta says coming to sit beside me. "Ugh. That's too long!!" "Why so impatient?" "I don't know.....maybe because this will be our first real date." "Don't worry. We are going to have the best time together." He says kissing my temple. "Well then can we go already?" I say. Peeta laughs. "Fine. Let's go." He says grabbing my hand and walking out to his car.

Peeta's POV:
We drive for about thirty five minutes and then we arrive at the fancy restaurant that Gale and I picked out. We thought the girls would like it because it has tons of their favorite things. I look over at Katniss and I can see her smiling as we are stepping out of my car. I can already tell she is going to love it. We meet up with Madge and Gale before going in. I smile and take Katniss' hand. When we finally get our table we let the girls order whatever they want and then we order. While we are talking and laughing together I notice that Katniss never takes off the bracelet I gave her. This makes me realize how much I really care about her whether she realizes it or not.

Katniss' POV:
We finish our dinner and order dessert. Once we're done we slowly walk out of the restaurant together and say our goodbyes. Peeta and I drive back to my house in silence. When we get back to my house we don't say a word but let our lips connect. His tongue fights for entrance as he softly sucks my bottom lip. This goes on for hours as we only stop to gasp for air.
Another kind of short one.....

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