He's Angry

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Michael walked me to my room from the secret pathway, he kissed me deeply and slapped my butt making me laugh and tell him not to touch me.

When i walked back up to my room i instantly laid on my bed and sighed, hanging out with Michael was tiring, but i couldn't get enough of it. I think i was in love, but i wasn't sure, what is love anyway? He's the first person I've ever done anything with. I don't know if it could be love, and besides why would someone like him even love me back.

I heard my dad scream my name and jumped out of bed running down the stairs as quickly as possible. I was scared, he never yelled like this the last time he did it didn't go so well.

"Luke get your ass down here now" i heard my dad scream, i got out of bed and speed walked to the kitchen where he was standing.

My eyes were wide and i was really scared, i was only 8 years old and my dad screaming at me like that terrified me.

"what the hell if this?" He slammed my report card on the counter.

It was all strait A's except one B in World History. I wasn't the most athletic person which is why my parents never pushed me for sports, but it's also why they pushed me towards other things.

"he grabbed my face and i smelt the liquor on his breath, "answer me you dumb bitch!" 

I flinched and he slapped me.


My eyes welled up with tears and i wanted to run away, but his grip on my face was stopping me from doing so. 

"What are you gonna do cry?" he slurred.

A sob left my lips.

"shut the fuck up you baby" he hit me upside the head.

"say something!" he screamed.

"i-i'm sorry" i whispered.

"shut the fuck up you whiny little bitch" He slapped me and i fell to the floor, hitting my head on the counter on the way down. I don't remember anything else after that, ever since then i always did my best. I never had another B as a class grade again.

I walked into the living room where my mom and dad were seated, i saw Maria standing politely in the corner of the room wither her hands behind her back. She looked scared and that made me scared as well.

"father, mother" i greeted as i stood in front of them, politely putting my hands behind my back as well.

"sit" was all my father said.

I quickly sat down in the opposite chair in front of them. My father stood up and grabbed a vanilla folder, slapping it onto the coffee table, i looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"what is this?" i asked grabbing it.

I opened it and my breath hitched, it was all pictures of me and Michael. The first of me getting on his motorcycle, us at the gas station when i went to change clothes, some of us kissing, and hugging, us on the roof, the mall, our date. My eyes got teary as i realized nothing was being said.

"t-this isn't.. i-i can explain this" lie.

"really, then explain. Because to me it looks like I've been keeping a faggot under this roof"

I flinched at the word, "to me it looks like you rather have a man fucking your ass than studying"

I felt tears fall past my eyes, "to me it looks like you're trying to fucking ruin my family name"

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