I don't care if he hurts Me

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I woke up to an empty bed, I usually woke up when Michael goes to work so i could say goodbye. I guess today i was just tired and didn't wake up with him, i looked over to the alarm clock beside our bed; 11:09 am.

I rubbed my face and got out of the bed, walking out the door, down the hall and to the kitchen. I made a cup of coffee and walked into the living room almost spilling my coffee when i saw Calum watching TV on the couch.

"fuck Cal what are you doing here?" i said sitting next to him.

"well good morning to you too Lucas" he rolled his eyes.

"good morning Cal" i smiled tiredly.

He chuckled and turned down the movie he was watching, "i came by since i didn't have work, but now that you're awake we can go bring the boys some lunch" He smiled.

"yea sure let me get dressed" i said standing up already on my way up the stairs. I chugged down the hot coffee not bothered by the sting in my throat.

I threw on some clothes, not bothering to shower since i did last night, i brushed my teeth, and put my hair under a beanie. I was to lazy to actually put it in a quiff anyway, i fixed the flannel i was wearing and set some bracelets on my wrist.

I rolled up the sleeves on the flannel and put on my black converse, i looked at myself again and smiled. I took out my phone and sent Michael a snap chat of my outfit, Maria brought my phone from my parents house when she quit so i wasn't so bored when i was alone.

 I took out my phone and sent Michael a snap chat of my outfit, Maria brought my phone from my parents house when she quit so i wasn't so bored when i was alone

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She's currently looking for a job and i hope it doesn't take long to find one. I may have never struggled with money and don't know what it's like, but doesn't mean i don't know how bad it could be.

I put my phone away and walked down the stairs to see Calum putting food into plastic bags, "is that the lunch?" i asked as he grabbed his keys.

"yep, come on we should go" he said already out the door.

I grabbed the house keys and made sure i locked the door, i walked down the stairs since the elevator was out of order. I walked to Calums car and hopped in, putting on my seat belt as he started to drive off.

I felt my phone buzz, taking it out i see Michael snap chatted me back. Smiling i opened it, "you look gorgeous as always princess" He had a weird ending where he made a strange noise and zoomed in on his face.

I giggled and put my phone away, seeing Calum chuckling from beside me, i blushed, and looked out the window. We were soon there, and both hopped out of the car. Calum grabbed the food and i followed him to the back door of the car garage.

It smelt like oil, old cars, and sweaty guys. Why the fuck is it so hot in here? There were multiple fans on, and some windows open as well.

I followed Calum to an office and saw Ashton on the phone, he smiled when he saw us, he held up a finger mouthing he'll be done in a minute. It was alot cooler in here than it was in the garage. I looked out the window to see Michael working on a car, there weren't alot of people here, just Michael, and three other guys working on other cars.

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