Aria Kane. Amity born. Now Dauntless. Talk about a U turn! But Aria always knew Amity wasn't for her. Now she must face the wrath if Dauntless training but of course there are hitches. A cruel leader who seems to want to just watch everyone burn and...
I'd never noticed before but the smell of fire was horrendous. Whether it was my mind telling me that hundreds of people were perishing because of those flames - I dont know. But my lungs filled with the scent of the burning embers and I felt myself give in.
What was all this for?
Why were so many people having to die for this greater cause that we thought was so important?
Suddenly - it didnt seem so urgent.
I felt the van come to a stop but didnt move. I had no fight left now. Eric was gone. Abnegation was gone. Who knew what had happened to the other factions.
The metal doors flung open and I squinted against the light but never moved nor turned to face whoever it was who was either imprisoning me again or liberating me. That was until a familiar voice spoke.
"I'm so sorry..."
I looked up and something inside of me broke. My eyes filled with tears and i cracked. All the past few weeks of emotions spilling out. He came into the van and reached out for me, crouching to my level. I flinched away, pushing myself back into the corner.
"No...." I muttered. He came closer still, reaching for me. "NO! YOU LEFT ME!!!" I cried.
He flinched away and looked down, hurt spread across his face.
"Aria, I had no choice. Please. I couldn't risk you being hurt."
"So instead I was imprisoned? Kept locked away!"
"I didn't know that was going to happen! Marcus was a rogue! As far as I knew you were going to be kept safe while living amoungst Abnegation!"
I looked up at his face and my heart ached. He reached out for me again and I instinctively leant into him, allowing myself to be wrapped in his arms. I suddenly felt safe, but I knew it wouldn't last.
"I'm so sorry Ari. If I'd have known anything like that was going to happen I wouldn't have dreamt of leaving you!"
"But they said you did it. That you gave the order for me to be locked up!"
"And you believed them?!" The hurt look was back and I dropped my head to avoid his gaze.
Seconds later a face appeared at the back of the van, signalling that it was time to move. Four?
"Him?!" I asked to Eric, jumpin down onto the ground.
"He's an ass - I know. But he was the only one who I could trust would help."
I looked Four up and down but now was not the time for past feuds to rise again. I looked around our surroundings and realised we were on the border of Erudite.
"What's the plan?" I asked Eric, ready to let out some serious anger on Jeanine, Frey or Marcus Eaton for that matter.
"My father is dead." He replied with a dark look.
His only reply was a nod. He then went on to explain that Jeanine was still trying to force the production of the serum, however Andrew Prior and a few volunteers from the other factions were nearly done distributing the cure to those who had been affected.
It had taken the most time to track them down, but now it was in supply, the word had been spread and soon they would all be free of the devestating serums affects.
"The main thing is stopping Jeanine and Marcus from making anymore."
I could see he didnt want to press the subject of what happened with his dad. I knew he would tell me when he was ready.
We entered Erudite, it was like a ghost town. The usual bustle of the faction was gone and instead an eerie hush fell across the high rise buildings and their grounds. The three of us headed to the council buildings, knowing that if Jeanine was hiding anywhere it would be there. Nothing needed to be said as we ran up the stairs, knowing that soon this would all be over.
My mind flicked to what would happen after this. How would the factions go back to how they were before? I didn't have much time to dwell as we reached the top floor and were met by at least 10 armed guards.
"Take one more step and you're dead" came a cold voice.
"Hello Jeanine" Muttered Four.
"Tobias! What a lovely surprise. I love how you dauntless all stick together. You're like little worker ants. Thinking you can stop a far bigger force than you could possibly imagine just by brute force. I guess I should have known you would join up with these two at some point. Your father will be so dissappointed."
"You've lost Jeanine. Give it up. The cure is out there and nearly everyone you infected has recieved it. " I said with a slight smirk. How could she still be fighting against us when she had nothing left.
She laughed. "You seriously think you've won? Don't you see this is so much bigger that those ridiculous factionless children? The serum was just the beginning. Divergence will destroy everything we have ever known. It will tear factions apart, start wars."
"The only one doing any of those things is you!" Eric stated. "You've created this. You've brought an uprising"
"I'm bored of this conversation now. Take them away."
The guards came toward us but as they did, the three of us raised our weapons.
"This has dragged on for too long now Jeanine. It's over."
She laughed again. ""
Before she finished gunshot rang out. I clenched my eyes shut, not knowing who fired at who.
When I felt no pain, I opened my eyes just in time to see Jeanine fall to the ground, the guards quickly dispersed and turned to see where the shots had been fired from. Stood behind them, I noticed the flash of a face I knew. No.
"Kayleen?!" My voice cracked. She looked directly at me as I turned to Eric.
But he wasn't stood beside me anymore.
A shrill pulsating ring filled my ears as bile rised in my throat. I couldn't breathe.
No....this can't be happening.
"Please...No..." My knees buckled as I knelt on the floor, beside me a blood pool streaming from the torso of Eric....
His eyes looked at me as he winced. He breathed heavy, his voice trying desperately to say something but nothing came out before his eyes closed.....
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