I woke in the morning to the sound of metal on metal and groaned.
Eric was stood at the top of the steps into the dorm, hitting a metal pipe onto the railings. "Rise and Shine initiates - I want you all in the training room in an hour sharp."
His cruel voice was back. I rolled over....my head hurt.
I sat up and realised that Lu wasn't in her bed and then giggled when I saw her snuggled up to Elias.
I jumped out of bed and ran over. "Morning campers!" I shouted over the two of them.
"SHIT!! Ari!!! Seriously!" Lu jumped and fell out of bed. I laughed as she smirked up at me.
"Rise and shine - we are starting stage 2 today!" I said.
"I don't know what you are so happy about - but it's hurting my brain." Elias groaned, rolling over and pulling the blanket over his head.
I got washed and dressed quickly and made my way out of the dorm into the dining hall, grabbing some fruit and sitting down at a table where some of the Dauntless born initiates were already seated.
"Hey - do you know anything about Stage 2?" One of them turned to me.
"Not a clue...do you?" I replied.
"Not really - all I know is that we will have to face our fears in some form."
Huh...that could be anything! I nodded and ate slowly...the last thing I wanted was to throw up in training and my head still felt sore.
A few minutes later Lu, Oli and Elias all entered the hall and came to sit beside me.
I grinned at Lu..."sooooo are you gonna tell me about last night?" I nudged her arm.
She rolled her eyes..."There is nothing to tell - and actually shouldn't YOU be the one telling me what happened? When I left you were looking rather cosy with Eric and this monring you are on cloud 9?"
I shook my head.. "Nope - nothing like that...nothing happened. We just talked."
She looked at me suspiciously. "Then why are you so happy?"
I looked around to make sure no one was listening to our conversation..."well I said nothing happened with Eric...I never mentioned anyone else"
She gasped and looked at me wide mouthed. "Who?!" she giggled
"shush!!! If I tell you - you have to promise not to tell a soul...swear it!"
She nodded so fast I swore her head would fall off.
"Four..." I mumbled, close to her.
"NO WAY!!!" She shreaked...
"SHUT UP!!" I grabbed her arm. Elias and Oliver surveyed us curiously.
"What the hell?" Elias said, smiling at Lu's face.
"Nothing...just girl talk." I said quickly.
"Doesn't look that way...come on spill." Oli said, obviously intreagued by Lu's reaction.
"Well...if you really want to hear about periods and stuff..." I started and the pair of them both threw up their hands in defeat.
"woah woah ok! Yeah not needed info thanks...carry on...don't wanna hear" Elias said and I laughed.
Lu giggled and came in close again. "SO what happened?! You were with Eric!"
"We were just talking for a while then Four came over and said you were looking for me so I got up to leave but I was a little tipsy so I stumbled and he said he would walk me home and then he just kissed me!" I said it all in one breath in a whisper and Lu giggled.

Don't Go Away - Divergent Eric/ Four x OC
FanfictionAria Kane. Amity born. Now Dauntless. Talk about a U turn! But Aria always knew Amity wasn't for her. Now she must face the wrath if Dauntless training but of course there are hitches. A cruel leader who seems to want to just watch everyone burn and...