I felt my body crumble.
He couldn't be gone. He just couldn't. We'd been through so much in a matter of months and in that moment I knew my heart would never be the same again.
Things seemed to happen in slow motion.
I saw Kayleen run across to me while people I didn't know took out the remaining guards. She picked me up while i reached out to Eric, screaming. Everything about my being screamed out to him. To anyone. Please don't let him be gone. Please.
I caught sight of Four as he fought off another Erudite guard. Thousands of dark thoughts crossed my mind. If he hadn't messed me around I would have had longer with Eric. Longer to love him. I fought against my old friend but instictively she gripped me even tighter.
I saw two more people lift Eric from the ground.
Where were they taking him? I needed to be with him.
I struggled and fought with Kayleen's grip until another person stood beside us and a sharp pain forced me into darkness.
My mind reeled. I was angry but devestated, sad but happy Jeanine was dead. And Frey. But nothing could stop he overwhelming heartache. Even this endless darkness wouldn't allow me to rest.
Is it all over? Has the serum stopped production? Are the factionless going to be ok? Where did Kayleen come from? This was a nightmare and for the first time I wanted to be back in Amity. I wished I had never left. I longed for the simplicity of farming and peace.
My eyes flicked open, sore against the sunlight which streamed through a small window. My eyes became accustomed and i looked round the room.
I was lay in a room that bore a huge resemblence to our hospital wing back in Dauntless...but the air smelt fresh and by the look of the sunlight we definitely weren't underground.
My eyes suddenly fell upon something which brought me back to reality."Eric?"
I sat up from where I was laying, pulling off whatever wires were monitoring me, and rushed to his side. He was lay, unconcious, with double the amount of monitors than I had on me. I grabbed his hand and looked around.
He was alive. I had no idea what was going on or where we were but he was alive. A huge wave of relief washed over me just as a voice behind me signalled the arrival of someone into the room.
"I see you're awake."
I turned to see Kayleen standing in the doorway, smiling.
I ran to her and wrapped my arms round her.
"I can't tell you how good it is to see you" She said, hugging me tightly.
"Where have you been?! I can't believe you're here! You saved me...you saved us!" I said, walking back over to Eric and taking his limp hand in mine.
"The factionless turned out to be far more than anyone thought. In fact, the factionless was far more of a faction than any of the others....he's alive Aria."
I smiled up at her but my face must have told a different story.
"You've been through a lot." Kayleen stated softly.
"Not nearly as much as you must have! What is it like there?!"
She laughed softly. "All in good time Aria. First, theres someone who wants to see you."
At that exact moment a soft face appeared at the door and my heart skipped.
"Mother..." I cried as she came to me, pulling me into a warm embrace.
"My darling...." She soothed me as Kayleen left us. "So this is the one who has stolen your heart?"
Her eyes fell on Eric as I nodded to her silently.
She smiled. "Handsome!"I smiled back at her. Her face was so soft. So gentle. I had missed her dearly.
"It's good to have you back in Amity. I've been so worried. When the word spread of the problems between Dauntless and Erudite, I knew it wouldn't be long before there was bloodshed. I just prayed it wouldn't be yours. The remaining Dauntless have been told of what happened. There is a hearing at Candor soon for Marcus. What he did is unexcusable. Jeanine and Frey are dead and Max has fled into hiding."
"Max?" I asked. He didn't have anything to do with it...
"He knew all about what Jeanine and Frey were doing."
I nodded silently, accepting her explination without pressing the matter further. My eyes went back to Eric.
"He will wake...he's getting stronger already but sitting in the dark watching over him all of the days and nights will do no good."
I knew she was right, but the thought of leaving him wasn't what I wanted right now.
"Come on, lets get you changed and get something to eat. The others are dying to see you."
She handed me clean clothes in the all too familiar yellow and red and once dressed I followed the scent of the fresh air which became stronger until we were out in the sunlight. Its warming rays beat down on my damaged skin and instantly made me feel better. We walked across the soft grass to the dining area where familiar faces greeted me.
Lupei, Elias and Oli all smiled up at me, rising from their seats and running to greet me, closely followed by my brother. It was so good to see everyone. With Jeanine gone, everyone was free to come and go from factions as they pleased. There were no more rules about not being able to see family or friends. Of course rules still remained to keep some order. Dauntless were more like a sort of police force, just in case there was trouble and they still guarded the wall but gone was the military atmosphere. This was what I was told anyway.
I joined them at a bench as we ate and drank. It felt like an age since I had been able to enjoy simple good food with friends without having to constantly look over my shoulders.
As the suns beams became softer, the air grew cooler and gradually people dispersed. I returned to Eric's side where he remained, unchanged. His face looked so peaceful. So serene.
I lit a candle and sat beside him, his hand in both of mine and told him everything that I had been told earlier about what had happened. I'm not exactly sure how late it was before I fell asleep, but I know it was the first restful sleep I had had for as long as I could remember.

Don't Go Away - Divergent Eric/ Four x OC
FanfictionAria Kane. Amity born. Now Dauntless. Talk about a U turn! But Aria always knew Amity wasn't for her. Now she must face the wrath if Dauntless training but of course there are hitches. A cruel leader who seems to want to just watch everyone burn and...