Chapter 4

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We walked through the hallways in silence - Eric's hand never leaving my lower back untile we passed a stairwell.

Four was making his way down and glanced up at us before taking a second look.

"What are you doing down here?" He looked at Eric's hand placement and scowled slightly.

"This little Erudite wannabe wanted to know where the library I'm showing her" he replied as cool as ice.

Four hummed a response and looked at me with his brows still furrowed. "I'll take her - surely you have better things to be doing."

Eric smirked. "No...actually I dont. I will take her."

".....okay" Four said with suspicion and carried on down the corridor - looking over his shoulder.

I watched all this in silence and when Eric turned to me he actually sounded like he growled.

"Come on..." Eric's hand was suddenly on my lower back again and pushing me through yet more hallways.

We finally arrived at the library and I beamed instantly. The walls were stocked full of books...there were hundreds.

I ran into the huge room and ran my fingers along the spines of them - taking in the titles.

Eric watched me in confusion. I'm guessing no one had ever really reacted to books this way before. But it was a common ground I had. Something that I could enjoy in Dauntless that I had also enjoyed in Amity.

I picked up a leather bound book, etched on the front were words which looked like they were once gold.

"Pride and Prejudice"

I smiled. I remembered reading this back in Amity. I could feel Eric's eyes on me and it brought me back down to earth.

" remember this book." I smiled sheepishly at him.

He eyed me in confusion and took the book from my hands. "What;s the deal with these things anyway? What's the point in reading unless it's to learn something?"

I smiled slightly. "Ex Erudite?"

He nodded slightly.

"hmm...well learning stuff from books is ok but...reading ones like just takes you away from everything that's wrong with this world. It makes you imagine something totally new".

He furrowed his brow and just smiled. I could tell her didn't get it.

"You should try it sometime!" I laughed. It felt like the first time I had laughed since getting to Dauntless and Eric's face softened. He let out a small chuckle as I flicked through other titles.

I checked out a few other books and packed them under my arms.

As we left the library Eric placed his hand back on my lower back. I pulled away from his touch.

"I know my way back...thank you."

"No...I will show you"

"No really....i'm fine"

I walked away quickly before he could respond. I looked over my shoulder and walked straight into someone.

" sorry..Sorry.." I mumbled. Four looked down at me as I fumbled for the books.

"Watch where you're going initiate"

"I'm sorry sir...sorry" I scrambled and picked up the books. Four snatched one out of my hands.

"The Great Gatsby?" He said, reading the title. "Interesting choice"

I stared at him in silence before he handed the book back to me and I practically ran back to the dorm.

Don't Go Away - Divergent Eric/ Four x OCWhere stories live. Discover now