Chapter 33

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The winter sun flickered through the window as the drape moved in the breeze. I opened my eyes and blinked against its blinding light until they had adjusted.

I smiled as I felt the weight of an arm lay across my waist and I linked my fingers through his, snuggling back against him, enjoying his warmth.

I heard him groan and stir before he placed a gentle sleepy kiss on the nape of my neck and my smile widened. We lay like that in silence for another ten minutes before I rolled over, his arm instinctively wrapping round my shoulders as I lay my head on his chest.

"Good Morning" He mumbled, placing another kiss on my head.

"Morning" I smiled up at him, meeting his lips with my own.

"So are you busy next week?" He asked, smiling down at me, that same glint back in his eye.


"Just thought we could do this wedding thing?"

I giggled and nodded, leaning up to kiss him again. "Ever the romantic Eric!"

                                                                                  *1 week later*

                                                                                  *1 week later*

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Everything looked so beautiful....

We had gone back to Amity, just for a few days and because honestly? Who wants to get married underground? Kayleen and my mother had made themselves in charge of planning everything and I couldn't have done a better job.

I'd seen plenty a wedding in Amity - but nothing compared to how beautiful it looked today.

I was so nervous though. My stomach was in knots.

As I tucked a stray curl behind my ear my mother came into my room.

"How do you feel?" She beamed at me.

I nodded and smiled in response - too nervous to actually say anything.

She took my gown from where it was hanging and undid the fastening, holding it out to me.

I took a deep breath and grinned as I stepped into it. She had hand made it and it was beautiful. As I slid it on, she came behind me to help fasten it.

"You will be so happy. He cherishes you so much Aria. And it's about time you saw some happiness. I wish your father could see you today. He would be so proud." She squeezed my shoulders as she said the last statement and I felt tears build in my eyes.

"Thank you." I managed to say, hugging her tightly.

"Now no tears! Today is all about happiness!" She smiled, lifting her head high and taking a step back, gasping slightly. "You look beautiful!"

 "You look beautiful!"

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I felt beautiful. I was so nervous but so excited! I couldn't wait to see be known as his wife. To have him with me for the rest of my life!

At that moment Kayleen came into the room, a beautiful bouquet of meadow wildflowers in her hands, closely followed by Lupei.

The pair gasped and cooed over my dress before handing my flowers over to me.

"Ready?" Lu said, her petite features scrunched up, trying not to cry.

I nodded excitedly as we made our way out of my home.

My mother linked her arm through mine, taking my free hand in both of hers, squeezing it tightly.

As we arrived, everyone turned to face me. I've never felt so on show in all my life!

But then I saw him....

And no one else mattered.

His eyes met mine and I faltered - forgetting where I was, what I was doing. He looked so handsome - in his Erudite blue suit.

I walked towards him and as we met at the top of the aisle, he took my hands

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I walked towards him and as we met at the top of the aisle, he took my hands.

The vows went on, but my eyes never left his. I couldn't look away. I never thought I could love someone the way I loved him right at this moment.

"You may now kiss the bride!"

He stepped forward, one hand moving to the small of my back, the other to the side of my cheek and he kissed me so slowly, with a deep longing that I never wanted him to move away.

As he did, his eyes stayed on mine and he whispered so softly;

"I need you forever....Don't go away..."

***The End***

Don't Go Away - Divergent Eric/ Four x OCWhere stories live. Discover now