The ceremony ended and the Dauntless faction definitely made it known. Whoops and cheers rung out as the whole faction - including the new initiates broke out in a run.
We all ran towards the train tracks and I watched as the Dauntless members climbed up and onto the train platform, waiting for the approaching train which would take us all back to the compound. I climbed up too - climbing I could do...I used to always climb the trees around the Amity fields and just look out at the world from the highest points.
As the train approached I noticed wasn't slowing down. As the first car went past, members began to clamber onto the still moving carriages. I gulped. A moving train? Seriously?! This faction was insane. I soon came to learn that this task was nothing compared to the rest of initiation.
I ran alongside another girl who was dressed in Candor white and the two of us clambered into the last carriage of the train then laughed to eachother and we breathed a sigh of relief.
"WAIT!!" came a voice from outside the cart. The pair of us looked round the open door to see a girl in the blues of Erudite trailing behind.
"Hurry!" I yelled
"She won't make it" The candor girl said matter of factly.
I instictively held my hand round the side of the train car
"Come on! Grab on!" The girl put everything she had into running as fast as she could and finally made a leap for my hand. I grabbed her wrist and yanked backwards, but my foot slipped and I squealed.
The candor girl leapt behind me and yanked us both back from my collar.
The three of us collapsed in a heap on the floor - fighting for breath.
"Thank you" the Erudite girl finally said as we clambered to our feet.
"Don't mention it...I'm Aria" I said, holding out a hand.
"Kayleen" She smiled, shaking my hand.
"I'm Lupei" the candor girl said, half heartedly waving.
"It's nice to meet you both. I can't thank you enough...If you hadn't have helped me..."Kayleen trailed off.
"You would be dead" Lupei finished.
I guess that's the honesty of Candor!
We began to hear a commotion coming from the other carriages and looked out to see people jumping onto a roop top from the, still moving, train.
We looked at eachother worriedly before a boy wearing Erudite blue stepped back and took a running jump onto the rooftop.
Kayleen looked panicked. She had only just managed to get onto the train - now she had to jump off?
"Let's go together - on 3" Lupei said, noticing Kayleen's worry.
She smiled as a thank you and after three counts we all jumped together.
The three of us landed on our elbows and knees and the others had gathered on the far side of the roof top. We rushed over to catch up with them and heard one of the leaders introducing himself.
"My name is Max - and I am one of the leaders here in Dauntless. We like to throw you in at the deep end here - it gives a sense of who you are deep down."
"Literally throw us in the deep end" the Erudite boy said before smirking at a candor boy next to him.
"If you are so clued up - then you go first" Max stated - looking displeased.
Well - that shut him up. He gulped and looked over the edge of the rooftop. "You want me to jump off? What's down there? Is there water or something to break the fall?"
"Why don't you find out?" Max said, getting more frustrated.
The Erudite boy gulped.
"I'll go first!"
Max and the other initiates turned to look at me.
I had no idea where that came from - in fact I wasn't even sure I said that. Maybe I did have some Amity kindness there after all....or maybe it was just brazen stupidity. Either way...I had just volunteered to jump of this rooftop first. Wonderful.
"Ok...go ahead Amity" Max stated.
I stepped up onto the wall and looked down. I knew not to drag this out...just like in the choosing ceremony - there was no point in putting off the inevitable. I took a step off the ledge and jumped down.
I thought I would scream or whimper at the least but not a sound left my lips and as I hit a springy net at the bottom I smiled to myself and realised I had been holding my breath.
I laughed slightly and felt the net move to one side - I looked over to see a young man, pierced and with visable tattoo's on his neck.
I rolled over to get up and he helped me down off the net.
"What's your name?" His deep voice almost growled at me.
"Aria" I mumbled.
"Ok...Aria - first jumper!" He stated to the awaiting crowd of Dauntless born initiates and other leaders. They cheered and a few slapped me on the back as I made my way over to the back of the crowd.
This was going to be interesting.

Don't Go Away - Divergent Eric/ Four x OC
FanfictionAria Kane. Amity born. Now Dauntless. Talk about a U turn! But Aria always knew Amity wasn't for her. Now she must face the wrath if Dauntless training but of course there are hitches. A cruel leader who seems to want to just watch everyone burn and...