I'm baaaaack ;-)
We walked together, in silence, both thinking of the events that had occurred. I looked to Eric as we entered the dark corridors of our faction and he smiled to me. But his smile was loaded. It was tainted with fear of what had happened and with the fear of what may be to come.
As we entered the pit, the muttering started. I could see the way people were staring. I didn't know if it was because Eric's fingers were still entwined with mine or if it was because we had been missing from the compound for days. Either way, I was on edge.
Eric marched on, through the reems of people and towards the living areas.
"Where are we going?" I whispered to him.
"We need to see Max straight away...get our side of the story across before Erudite send out an army for our heads."
We arrived at a room I had never seen before. It was past the trainers apartments and towards the control room, but it looked like an office. I didn't realise Dauntless had a use for such a space, but there seemed t o be a lot I had no idea about.
Before Eric could knock, the door opened and Max stood in front of us both.
His expression was unreadable.
"You best have a good excuse for going AWOL..." he said simply and led us both into the room.
Eric closed the door behind us as I looked at Max, picking at my nails nervously.
"We were kidnapped...by Erudite." Eric stated
Max's eyes widened. "What?? You realise the seriousness of that allegation?!"
"Of course I do Max! I'm ex Erudite you know...I wouldn't say something like that if it weren't true!"
Max looked at me then back at Eric. "Are you harmed?"
Eric shook his head but began to explain what had happened.
"So, let me get this straight...they injected her with a testing serum for Divergence?!"
Eric nodded and Max walked towards me.
"And you have had no adverse reaction?"
I shook my head. I couldn't find my voice right now.
Max sighed. "Well at least that is one thing...but we don't know what the substance was they injected into you. I could be anything...it could be dangerous. Not just to you but to the rest of the faction."
Eric stepped forward and Max looked to him. "I need you to take her to Bea right away. She needs to undergo testing and monitoring."
Eric knew not to fight this command. In fact, I think both of us were shocked by how lightly Max had taken the whole situation.
"You tell no one of this." Max said before we left. "The last thing we need is some sort of vigilante uprising against Erudite. We need to plan our best course of action...but rest assured....they will pay for what they have done..."
The last part of that made me shiver. Max was always stern but I had never heard him speak with such distain before.
As we left the room I felt Eric's arm wrap around my shoulder and I let him pull me into an embrace.
He kissed my forehead and I looked up at him. His blue eyes glowed in the low light of the corridor."Come on...we need to figure out what it was they injected you with. By not being a divergent it could affect you negatively...and I am not losing you..not again."
I smiled to him and nodded as he led the way through the corridors towards the medical wing.
As we arrived, my heart instantly felt warm with the sight of Bea...it was impossible to not smile when she squealed and launched herself at us both.
"Where the hell do you two think you been?!! You lil' love birds have had the whole faction worried 'bout ya!"
Eric smiled and pulled himself from her vice like grip. "It's a very long story Bea...but we need your help. Max sent us here because um....something happened...to Ari."
"I got injected with a serum and we have no idea what was in it...but Max is concerned that it may have some...nasty contents."
"Say no more my lil honey bee!" She squeaked, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to a bed. She settled me and took a few blood samples, making me feel a little weak. She obviously knew not to ask questions about what had happened, but she knew what she was doing.
Eric sat beside me and held my hand the whole time and by the time Bea was finished with getting samples, I felt like a pin cushion. I was told I needed to stay here until I had been given the all clear by both Bea and Max. My eyes felt heavy and I felt Eric stand up. "I need to run a few errands, but I promise I will be back soon. I won't leave you for long. I love you" He said with a smile before kissing my forehead. As he left, I drifted into a light sleep.
By 7pm, I had had visits from Lu, Oli and Eli as well as a whole host of other people...some were genuinely concerned but I think the majority wanted the gossip as to where we had gone and what was going on between us. When Eric returned at around 7:30, he explained that there were a heap of rumours about why we dissappeared...apparently his favourite was that we had run off to get married in Abnegation....that made me laugh.
I was exhausted still. I hadn't really seen Bea but when she had flitted over to take yet more blood, she had no news of what was going on and if there was any reaction to the serum.
Eric sat beside me again, taking my hand in his. He had deep dark circles beneath his eyes...he must be exhausted too!
"Eric...what's wrong?" He had been sat in silence for nearly 10 minutes. As he looked up I noticed the smallest of tears running down his cheek.
"Argh...Im sorry." he laughed slightly "It's just...im worried...about you, about my family. I mean, I know my dad was like...running that programme but...what if they hurt my family to get back at me? Or your family??"
I instantly felt selfish. The thought had never even crossed my mind. And it didn't have long to stay there....a sharp pain erupted in my chest and i cried out.
The ECG machine I had been linked up to squealed and Eric stood up as quick as lightning. The pain made my ears ring but I heard him yell for Bea...he didn't need to, she was there in an instant.
"What's going on?!" He shouted at one of the nurses who were assisting Bea.
"whatever this thing is...it is killing her from the inside...."

Don't Go Away - Divergent Eric/ Four x OC
FanfictionAria Kane. Amity born. Now Dauntless. Talk about a U turn! But Aria always knew Amity wasn't for her. Now she must face the wrath if Dauntless training but of course there are hitches. A cruel leader who seems to want to just watch everyone burn and...