Chapter 13

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The dining room was relatively empty by the time we got down there. We hadn't said a word to each other the whole walk down. We hadn't needed to.

I was heart broken and numb. It wasn't like what I imagine breaking up from a long term relationship would be. I didn't get the instant regret or I didn't instantly miss Four. But I was humiliated and that's what hurt the most.

I'm just glad that people didn't know about us. That would have made it much worse. I hated Four for what he had done.
He acted like the deep, warm loving guy when actually it was all a front.

Eric grabbed some fried food and loaded a plate. I was so hungry but felt sick so grabbed some bread and fruit and joined him at a table.
He didn't seem bothered that people might see us together and that was what I needed. I didn't need to be pushed away by anyone else.

We eat in silence until eventually Eric speaks.
"So...I spoke to my mom."

I nearly choke on a grape.

"...what happened?"

"She knew."

That statement caught me even more off guard.
"She knew?!"

Eric nodded.

I didn't really know what else to say to him at that moment. Today sucked.

"All initiates have tomorrow as a rest day." Eric said after a few minutes of silence.

"Really? How come?"

"Well Friday is going to be all your fears in one so all us leaders decided you should have a bit of a break before hand."

"Fair enough. Hey, I really should go talk to Lu. Bit of girl talk." I said as I popped the last bit of bread in my mouth.

"Oh. Ok. Fancy a bit of a night in? We have had a pretty shitty week. I could get a few beers and chill out a bit?" he said it all very fast like it was one thought that just ran from his mouth.

"You know what? That sounds perfect. I'll go see Lu for a bit then meet you at yours. That ok?"

He nodded and smiled

"Ok. See you there" I smiled slightly and got up from the table.

I walked back to the dorm, looking for Lu. As I entered the room I saw her and Elias on his bed, getting...better acquainted.

I cleared my throat loudly and entered the room, the two of them fumbling and trying to sit up normally. If I wasn't feeling so shit the sight would have made me laugh.

"Can I talk to you for a sec? Alone?" I asked Lu.

Lu looked concerned as she pushed herself off of the bed and came over to me, fixing her top. "What's up?"

"Um..." I looked around, making sure Elias was out of earshot. "I saw Four making out with another initiate."

"What?!!!" Lu looked genuinely shocked. "Was it Pheonix?!!! She's such a bitch! Oh my god!"

I lowered Lu's flailing hands. " was a dauntless born. I don't know her. And I'm guessing she didn't know about me because no one did but you."

I looked down to the ground and Lu's face softened, realising her anger was towards Four...not me.

She pulled me into a hug and I tensed to stop myself from crying again.

"Oh sugar....what a bastard."

I nodded silently. "Don't read into this, but Eric knows and he sat there all night last night in the infirmary while Four was off with that other girl...and he's invited me to his tonight. Just for a couple of drinks and a chill out since we are off tomorrow..."

Don't Go Away - Divergent Eric/ Four x OCWhere stories live. Discover now