I couldn't believe it.
Stood before me was my big brother, Jon. And here he was buddying up to Jeanine Matthews?!
"What are you doing here?! Are you Dauntless?!" He asked, pulling me into a tight hug.
Eric pulled on my brothers arm..."Hands off her..." He growled.
I smiled lightly to him..."Eric...this is my brother, Jon"
Eric looked embarrassed..."Ah...sorry pal..." He smiled slightly.
Jon smiled and shook his head, "It's nice to see my little hermana being so protected!"
"Jonah...aren't you going to introduce me?" The snake like tone of Jeanine's voice came as she stood beside my brother again.
"Oh...of course - my apologies. Ms Matthews...this is my baby sister - Aria."
She tensed at my name.
"Aria? What an...unusual name" She smiled.
This was a mistake. I should never have come with Eric here. What if his father saw me and recognised me? I swear Jeanine was already suspicious. Not many had my name.
"What are you doing here?" Jon smiled nervously.
"ummm...." I looked to Eric for help.
"I needed to just collect a few schooling supplies...the children of Dauntless seem to have got a new found love for learning!"
Nice save.
Jeanine nodded but eyed me suspiciously.
"Well...we must be getting on but it was so good to see you Ari..." Jon gripped my shoulders and looked at me. Was that sadness?
His eyes looked as though all the passion he once had, was gone.
They left and I sighed.
"Well that was wierd...."
Eric nodded. "I didn't even think if someone recognised you...."
"By someone you mean your dad?"
He nodded. "maybe this wasn't a good idea. You should go back to the train. I am not having you in danger."
I shook my head.
"No way...Something is going on...I'm going exploring. Meet you at the tracks at 4!"
I ran off before he could protest. I knew he was only trying to protect me but....something wasn't right and I needed to find out what.
I ran towards the huge glass building that my brother had gone into. I slowed to a walk and held my head high. I had once heard that if you look like you belong, people are less likely to notice you. I paced through one of the hallways...I could see my brother and Jeanine speaking up ahead.
They rounded a corner and went through a set of double doors and I raced after them so as not to lose them.
They pushed a button on the far wall and elevator doors opened. Dammit....stairs...there must be stairs...
I looked around and found the door to the stairwell, running up them as it seemed no one used this entrance. I got to the top just in time to see Jon and Jeanine go down another corridor. I went to follow them but immediately was stopped in my tracks. Two hands grabbed me and pulled me backwards. I went to scream but a gloved hand covered my mouth. It was also stopping me from breathing...
I seriously could not breath. I pulled at the hand desperately before feeling a sharp pain in my neck. My eyes closed and I felt myself fall to the ground.

Don't Go Away - Divergent Eric/ Four x OC
FanfictionAria Kane. Amity born. Now Dauntless. Talk about a U turn! But Aria always knew Amity wasn't for her. Now she must face the wrath if Dauntless training but of course there are hitches. A cruel leader who seems to want to just watch everyone burn and...