As we arrived back, the dome roared into cheers and applause. I was so embarrassed but it was lovely to see everyone so happy for us. Mom was crying and ran over to hug us both. She pretty much just ended up squeezing Eric.
Lu came over and pulled me into a hug along with Kayleen. The night seemed to come to life then, dancing and music ensued as people celebrated with us.As the night drew on, I noticed Eric seeming distant and suggested we say goodnight and head home. Everyone seemed pretty happy to party on so we slipped away quietly. Once back at home, I slipped out of my new dress and lay it over the back of the chair before sliding between the sheets, into Eric's waiting embrace.
"What's bothering you?" I asked, resting my head on his chest, the calm rhythm of his heart making me tired.
"Nothing...nothing at all. I am so happy right now" he smiled at me, kissing my forehead and squeezing me tight. I pulled back but smiled and sat up slightly to look at him. His eyes resembled the same sad look I had seen before.
"Don't lie to me fiancé" I smirked and he laughed.
"I'm not!"
"You are. Is this about what we were talking about earlier? About going back to Dauntless?"
His silence was all the reply I needed and I sighed.
"Look, marriage is all about compromise..." He opened his mouth to interrupt "But I know that I need to remember who you are and that Dauntless is much more to you than me. How would you feel about getting married here in Amity, then moving back to Dauntless?"
Eric looked at me, studying my face whilst raising a smile.
"Really? You would do that for me?"
"You always say you would do anything for me Eric, when will you understand that the feeling is mutual?"
He smiled, leaning up to kiss my lips, a deep kiss not laced with lust but a heartfelt love instead.
I laid back down in his arms and could feel him still smiling.
"How did I get so lucky to get you?" He mumbled.
I just smiled, kissing his cheek before snuggling down and falling asleep.The next morning I woke to the sound of clattering downstairs and groaned, knowing my mother would have been making some celebratory breakfast. At least we would have a bit more privacy back at Dauntless!
I opened my eyes and saw the empty space beside me, remembering Eric always had to leave early to get to Abnegation for work. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I rolled out of bed, pulling on a pair of cropped pants and one of Eric's shirts before making my way downstairs, still yawning."MORNING MRS FRASER TO BE!" Mom sang as I hit the bottom step.
Oh god.
"Hey" I laughed back at her enthusiasm. "So this was why you were acting so weird yesterday"
She grinned like a child and explained all about how Eric had asked her permission to marry me around a week ago. The ring was his great great grandmothers and he had shown mom to make sure I would like it.
It gave me butterflies knowing that Eric was being so thoughtful and respectful about the whole thing."So when are you thinking for the big day?"
"I have no idea mom, can we just let the dust settle first?" I laughed.
Just then Eric came through the door and into the kitchen.
"Hey! Why aren't you at work?" I asked as he leant down to kiss me.
"It's Sunday..." He said, looking at me strangely.
"Oooooh yeah"
My mother wasted no time at all.
"SO Eric, me and Aria were just talking about when you were thinking for the wedding? You know the rains aren't too far away..." She beamed a grin at him and I put my head in my hands.
"Well, I actually think two weeks is perfect. Gives us plenty of time to get things done before the seasons change"I looked up at him in shock.
"Two weeks?!"
Mom practically screamed she was so excited.
This seriously was all happening a bit fast.
"That's quite soon..." I said to Eric, shooting him a warning glare.
He shrugged it off, "Not at all, there's not that much to plan. And it gives us time to go and tell my family. Assuming they will be ok to attend here?" He asked the last part to my mother.
She nodded " We will speak to Johanna but I am sure it won't be an issue!""Can I talk to you for a second?" I looked up at Eric and stood. He nodded, following me outside.
I turned to him. "Don't you think two weeks may be a little soon?"
He shrugged, almost coldly. "Do you want to get married?"
"Of course I do Eric but I'm just thinking we aren't giving ourselves much time to get everything together and you know, I want it to be perfect."
"It will be! How much time do you need to get some flowers and a dress?!" He snapped and it took me by surprise.
" isn't just..."
"No, you know what? It's blatantly obvious what this is about. You don't want to move back to dauntless. So the longer you drag out the wedding, the longer we stay here. I get it. But you can't keep me here Ari. I'm going out of my mind! I'm not Amity!" He shouted and I studied his face in a stunned silence.
"Eric please..."
"No....Ari, I'm done with this perfect harmony land. I can't take it anymore. If I have to sit through one more meditation I swear I will explode."
"But I..."
"If you change you're mind I'll be where I belong..." He said bluntly before turning on his heel and walking away.
I watched him, tears blurring my vision, until he was out of view.
Mom opened the front door and I pushed past her, going back inside.
"Where's Eric?" She asked innocently.
"Gone back to where he belongs apparently" I spat, running back up the wooden staircase and into my room, collapsing onto my bed where Bailey slept.I pulled him into my arms where he sat obediently and let me sob into his fur.
What a wonderful first day of being engaged this had turned out to be.

Don't Go Away - Divergent Eric/ Four x OC
FanfictionAria Kane. Amity born. Now Dauntless. Talk about a U turn! But Aria always knew Amity wasn't for her. Now she must face the wrath if Dauntless training but of course there are hitches. A cruel leader who seems to want to just watch everyone burn and...