Aria Kane. Amity born. Now Dauntless. Talk about a U turn! But Aria always knew Amity wasn't for her. Now she must face the wrath if Dauntless training but of course there are hitches. A cruel leader who seems to want to just watch everyone burn and...
I walked away from Eric, hearing his footsteps behind me soon stop. The thing was - I believed him. I had heard from Lu that Lydia had a habit of taking advantage of a bad situation.
I just needed to calm down. I needed just a few hours to get my head straight. After everything - I don't think that is so bad a thing! I walked down towards the pit and spotted Lu.
"Hey you!!" She shouted over the music that played in the background. She ran over to me and wrapped her arms round my shoulders.
I was so glad that she was back in Dauntless. I needed a friend right now.
"What are you doing back?" I muttered into her embrace...not quite ready to let her go just yet.
"Well - Amity is amazing and I loved it but...I wanted a new tattoo" She giggled. "What's going on? Why do you have sad eyes?"
Her candor still hadn't quite left her yet, but I didn't want to discuss what had happened. I knew she would jump straight to my defence and I wasn't in the mood for any more confrontation.
"Long story - can we please go get a drink?" I asked as she linked her arm round mine and marched us towards the liveliness of the pit.
"Of course - but we are getting new tattoos first"
I watched as she sat patiently in the chair, the tattoo pad placed firmly on her forearm as a black ivy branch was imprinted onto her skin. When she was finished, she jumped up, admiring her new artwork in the mirror.
"What do you think"
"Very nice" I smiled at her. She was a nice distraction.
"What you getting?" She asked and I shrugged, looking around the studio for ideas when I looked up.
High above the pit - the barred windows let an eerie glow through. The moon was clearly at her brightest tonight. I smiled to myself, liking the idea of something that shines - even through darkness.
I sat down on the chair and handed a design across to Tori. She placed the pad onto the side of my ribs and I waited for the dull pain to start - hoping it would wake me a little from the numbness that plagued me.
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As Lu and I exited the studio, we made our way towards the bar. I was definitely in need of something stronger than water. We each grabbed our drinks, thanking the tender and moving over to one of the black sofas. I could feel peoples eyes on us. They knew exactly who we were, what we had done. But no one approached us.
As we sat down she finally spoke. "Ok. Are you going to tell me what's going on or am I going to have to beat it out of you with a stick?"
I laughed at her brazen remark.
"Lydia kissed Eric..." I said, running my finger around the top of the glass in my hand.
"WHAT?!!!! I AM GONNA KILL HIM!!" She erupted but I held my hand out, sitting her back down.
"Listen to the way I worded it missy. Lydia. Kissed. Him. He didn't kiss her...."
"I bet that's just what he told you to cover his arse!!!"
I looked at her, one brow raised but then shook my head.
"No, I believe him. I don't think he kissed her and I certainly don't think he wanted to!"
She sighed and turned to me. "Are you ok?"
I nodded. "I just needed a bit of time. Everything that is going on. We fought about him not wanted to stay in Amity. I mean I didn't want to stay there for life but you know - maybe just until things got a little bit back to normal."
She nodded, understandably.
"That Lydia is a wretch. She tried to kiss Oli you know! And I am pretty sure she tried Eli after that!"
I smiled. I knew what she was saying what right. Didn't make it hurt much less though.
We finished our drinks and I hugged her goodbye. I needed to go and sort things out with Eric.
I made my way up the corridors to the dark hallway where his apartment was, knocking on the door gently. There was no reply and I turned the handle, his door opening easily.
The lights were all off in his living room, just the same moonlight flowing through the windows. I stepped inside quietly, closing the door behind me. I looked round the room, things were strewn across the floor. I'm guessing Eric had been angry.
I stepped through the darkness - over towards his bedroom and pushed open the door, careful to not make a sound. He was lay in the darkness - I couldn't tell if he was awake or not.
"Eric?" I whispered. He didn't move.
I sat down beside him on the bed, crossing my legs beneath me. I felt him stir and he turned over, his eyes flicking open as he noticed someone else in the room.
"'s just me..." I said, taking his raised arm in my hand gently.
" cared the shit out of me..." he quickly sat up. "Are you ok? Where have you been? I'm so sorry..Ari....I swear..."
I cut him off. "It's ok. I know it wasn't your fault. I just think the stress of everything at the moment was just a bit much."
He nodded. "I am so sorry though. For everything. I just felt like I was losing my identity. I've never been this sap before."
I smiled at him and he reached out his arms, wrapping them round my waist and pulling me towards him.
"Ouch!!" I hissed as his hands made contact with my new tattoo.
"Shit! Sorry! Are you ok?!"
I smiled at how panicked he was that he had hurt me. "New ink" I smirked as I pulled up my top, revealing the moon design.
He smirked back. "'re getting further from Amity by the day!" And with that he leant across to me, his lips colliding with mine with the passion I remember from when we first kissed. His hands moved me so I was lying flat on my back as he leaned over me. His powerful stance still taking my breath away.
I pulled back for air, my eyes meeting his and there was a glint there I hadn't seen for a long time. The same dangerous yet playful spark I recalled. He pulled my t-shirt over my head and before long the rest of our clothes joined it on the floor....