I woke to sunlight hitting my face, which was unusual for the Dauntless compound but I quickly remembered I was in Eric's apartment. I sat up and looked out of the high window and up to the sun filled sky.
The door to the bedroom slowly creaked open and I turned to see Eric walking in, balancing a plate and two mugs.
"Oh hey! You're awake!" He smiled, placing the plate on the night stand, followed by one mug.
"Breakfast in bed? Well that is something!" I giggled. Even if the breakfast was burnt toast and black coffee - it still meant a lot that he had gone to the effort for me.
Eric smiled and sat beside me on the bed.
"So what are you doing today?" I asked, sipping the steaming tar like liquid.
"I need to go to Erudite." He said it so abruptly that it made my breath catch in my chest.
"I thought you had spoken to your mom though?"
"I did...but I need to find out what's going on with her. I can't believe she would willingly let my father get away with all this."
"I will come with you..." I said matter of factly.
Eric didn't protest. I didn't want to go to Erudite. My brother, Jon was now living in Erudite. He had transfered over two years ago and the thought of running into him made my stomach turn.
I hadn't seen him since he transferred.
I put down my mug and got up out of bed but felt Eric's hands round my waist as he pulled me back.
"Hey....we don't have to go until later you know.."
I laughed slightly and allowed myself to fall backwards. I laid back and closed my eyes.
"uhhh dead..." I laughed and played dead. I heard Eric laugh
"Oh No!!! Don't die on me Aria!" He placed a kiss on my lips and I smiled.
"Oh thank god...you really had me worried there for a second!!"
I laughed and he leant down to kiss me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close.
"Thank you..." I mumbled, sighing happily.
"What for?"
"Just for being here...like dealing with everything that's happened so well...."
Eric smiled and we both sat up.
"I know I come across as really cold...and harsh but it's just because I never wanted to let anyone in before...but with you...I don't know....I would do anything for you."
I smiled widely and hugged him tight. That meant a lot.
"I should go back to the dorm and get washed and dressed and stuff" I said, standing up again.
"Ok....shall we meet in the pit at say....half 11?"
I looked at the clock...it was half past nine. That would be enough time. I nodded and kissed him again before leaving the apartment.
I walked through the hallways and back to the initiates dorm, hearing chatter from inside. As I came through the door I saw Dale and Luke sat speaking with Pheonix and Rhi.
I glared at them but said nothing as I got my things together and made my way through to the bathrooms. I fully expected a sarcastic comment from at least one of them but it seemed glares had been sufficient for them today.
I showered quickly and got dressed in the usual blacks of Dauntless....it made me uneasy that the others had been so quiet. I let my hair fall loose and applied some mascara.

Don't Go Away - Divergent Eric/ Four x OC
FanfictionAria Kane. Amity born. Now Dauntless. Talk about a U turn! But Aria always knew Amity wasn't for her. Now she must face the wrath if Dauntless training but of course there are hitches. A cruel leader who seems to want to just watch everyone burn and...