Chapter 2

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"So tell me. How exactly did you wreck your car?" I asked not believing the situation I was in right now. I was driving with the most confusing yet undenyably sexy guy I had ever met. The same person that I had been told over and over again to avoid. Isn't life funny?

"Occupational hazard." He said smirking as he adjusted himself in his seat so that he could reach over and play with my hair again.

"Occupational was during lunch! What could you possibly have been doing at lunch?" I demanded.

"Nothing in particular, it was either that or watch Trey and all of his friends fawn all over you." He replied seeming to weigh his words more heavily to the end of his statement. Somehow it was the first part that bothered me. I had a feeling that I was missing something. Something important. Something that everyone else knew. Something that would change everything. I just didn't know what it was...yet. I realized that now was not the time to ask so I decided to comment on the second half.

"Hey Trey's not half bad. He's really nice to me. And his friends...they seem okay." Not that I really remember spending time with them because I was thinking of you but...

"Trey is only nice when he wants something. And I can take a pretty good guess as to what he wants." He said, his eyes raking down my body.

"Be serious!" I said, trying to laugh it off.

"Oh trust me, I am."

"There's that trust thing again. You know trust is something that has to be earned. You can't just tell someone to trust you."

"Sure you can. If they're smart, they'll listen."

"So I'm not smart?" I asked angrily.

"Well that depends, do you trust me?" He asked earnestly, withdrawing his hand from my hair. The joking and teasing was over. The tension filled the car quicker than the sun could set behind the mountains as I drove closer to County Road 17.

Did I trust him? I barely knew him but I had seen a lot in just a day. I had seen the way people strayed away from him. I had watched the way he carried himself, as if he was always expecting something. The way he was drawn back most of the time, yet right now he seemed so open. Could I trust a total stranger that seemed to scream danger with every glance of his dark eyes? But as I turned to meet those dark eyes, I realized something; I could trust him with my life.

He muttered the final directions to his house, which suprisingly was only a mile away from mine, then remained silent the rest of the car ride. I drove into the driveway to his house. It was absolutley gorgeous. It was an old white Victorian-style three story house that seemed to make the final rays of sunlight gleam off every angle of the house. Completely lost in admiring the breath-taking mansion before me, I missed Jason was getting out of the car and walking up the porch steps.

Damn it! God help me."Jason, wait." He stopped walking but he didn't turn around so I made my way around him and tried to look into his eyes but he kept staring straight forward.

"Jason. I trust you." No reply. "Jason, really I do." Still nothing. "Jason I- DAMN IT! LOOK AT ME." I screamed in frustration. Finally he lowered his head and I was faced with those dark, dangerous eyes. Yet right now, they didn't seem all that dangerous. They seemed cold, but not mean as they had before.

"Jason. I don't know why. I can't explain it, especially because you just keep confusing me. But really Jason. You have to believe that I trust you with my life." For a split second, I saw his eyes soften and turn the color of a clear night. Then before I knew it, his lips were on mine. It was a hard, rough kiss, as if he was trying to explain everything to me through this kiss but all I could think of what that he was kissing me. Actually kissing me! My hands wrapped around his neck as I pressed myself deeper into the kiss. His hands found the small of my back and slightly found their way just under the bottom of my shirt. But all too quickly I heard him chuckle as he began to pull away. But all he did was rest his forehead against mine and wait for my breathing to return to normal.

"Ahh. Blair. You really aren't smart."

"Excuse me what?" I said backing away and putting my hands on my hips. I did just say that I trusted him right? Or did I miss that just before he kissed me?

"You actually shouldn't trust me. I'm not the kind of guy most people trust, if you haven't noticed." He said seriously.

"I don't care what most people think," I muttered quietly. I was more confused now than ever. But he just grabbed my arms and pulled me close again, kissing the top of my forehead.

"Goodnight Blair. I'll see you tomorrow." He whispered then walked away and into his house.

I vaguely remeber getting into my car and driving the short distance home, walking straight into my room and crawling into bed fully dressed, wondering what the hell had just happened.

"Blair?" My mother called from somewhere in the house.

"Yeah mom, what is it?"

"How was your first day dear?"

"Different. Very different," was all I could manage to say.

"Different can be good, you know. Different means change. And change is always good. Right?"

"Yeah mom." Nonetheless, as I drifted off to sleep, I wasn't sure if I was ready for the changes that were about to happen.

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