Chapter 4

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 I didn't feel like rushing to school. In fact I didn't even feel like going to school. All I wanted to do was crawl under the covers and hide forever. Yeah, that sounded good.

"Blair! Are you up yet?" My mom called just before I heard her leave through the front door.

"Yeah...not that you care." I muttered in a low voice, dragging myself out of bed.

I put on my ridiculous school uniform and grabbed my keys; heading off to school. Yet as I approached my high school, I took a right turn, turning away. Yeah, I wasn't going to school today. I didn't really know where I was going. I just knew that I didn't want to deal with Trey or Jason or anyone really so I just kept driving and driving. After a couple of hours of pointless driving the mileage took its toll on my car. I glanced at the dashboard and sighed as the arrow pointed to the giant read E; my car was out of gas. The car sputtered to a spot just to the side of a secluded park. Great. Just great. As if my day couldn't get any worse. I got out of the car and started kicking the tire. Before I realized it I was crying again. I sunk to the ground and crawled into a ball and kept crying, not noticing a pair of menacing eyes staring at me from within the park. The sound of crunching gravel brought me back to reality so I lifted my head out of my hands. Before me stood a tall guy, who looked to be about my age. He had wavy dark brown hair that almost reached his shoulders, partly falling over his eyes. He had a snakebite piercing in the corner of his bottom lip. His lips were shaped into a smirk that seemed to fit his personality as I took in his black skinny jeans and black leather jacket. Even in my distraught state I could tell he was hot which meant bad news but I almost welcomed it. How much worse could things really get?

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, as if he already knew the answer. Arrogant people tick me off, mostly because it turns me on, but it’s still so rude so it frustrates me.

"Obviously not or else I wouldn't be in the middle of the road, next to a car out of gas crying my eyes out, now would I?" I retorted glaring up at him. "Where am I anyways?" I asked.

His smirk just grew wider. "Lost too huh?"

"Um, duh."

"Want help?"

"Are you offering or just having fun smirking?"

"Both." He said changing his smirk to a grin, flashing a pair of pearly white teeth. "Well?"

"Yeah, I'd like some help if you don't mind."

"Alright then I’ll help. I just have to meet up with some friends in the park for a sec. It won't take long. Plus I bummed a ride from a friend so if you want gas in that car of yours, then we're going to need his car. Is that okay?" He asked looking down at me. It bothered me that I couldn't see his eyes but I ignored the horrible feelings building in the pit of my stomach and just agreed. He reached down and pulled me off the ground, wrapping an arm around my waist, leading me off into the park.

            "So, why is a pretty girl like you crying by her broken down car. You don't really scream the pathetic preppy type." He said smirking at me, keeping a strong hold on my waist.

"Well, I've just recently learned a life lesson actually."

"Oh, and what is this life lesson?" He asked smiling down at me.

"Life sucks." I said with grimace.

"That’s not a very positive attitude. Life doesn’t always suck.”

“Mine does.” I shrugged.

“I highly doubt that.” He criticized; he led me to a bench under a shady tree, sitting down. “What’s going on?”

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