Chapter 18

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My feet seemed to have a mind of their own as they carried me away from that awful building. It was only a few minutes before they carried me over to the local hospital. I ran to the counter and grabbed the nurse by her collar.

"Where's Aiden?" I panted, looking around frantically. I'm sure that to everyone, I appeared to be going insane. But I couldn't care what other people thought of me in that moment. I needed to find Aiden, and make sure that he didn't die because of my mistake.

"Ma'am calm down." The nurse said prying my hands off her collar.

"I'll calm down when I see that Aiden's okay. Where is he?" I asked irritated. This woman was standing between my best friend and me!

"Aiden who?" She asked, looking down at her records sheet.

"Damn it, lady. How many Aiden's could there be in this hospital?" I asked rudely. She gave me a look but I didn't care. I needed to see Aiden. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"He’s in room 231." She said, "But that's the ICU. I can't let you in if you're not family."

"I'm his sister." I assured her quickly. Hoping she wouldn't try to verify that fact.

"Fine, the elevators are to the left…" She started saying before she noticed I had already taken off.

"229…230…231… finally!" I muttered to myself, slowly opening the door. I put a hand to my mouth as I walked over and noticed Aiden. I prayed that he was merely sleeping and not unconscious. Before I knew it I had collapsed onto the chair next to his bed. He looked so fragile connected to all the wires and machines. The sounds of the consistent beeping felt wrong.

"He shouldn't be here." I whispered to myself, right as a nurse walked in.

"Excuse me ma'am, are you an immediate relative?" The nurse asked smiling kindly to me as she recorded his vitals on the clipboard she was holding.

"I'm his sister." I replied looking her straight in the eyes, daring her to challenge me.

"Okay then." She said her eyes full of understanding as she continued checking the various machines he was hooked up to.

"How is he doing?" I asked my voice cracking.

"He's stable now, which is good. We had to rush him into surgery. The bullet pierced his spleen, so he had a lot of internal bleeding, but we were able to remove the spleen and stop the bleeding. He's a lucky one." She said smiling at me once again.

"So…so he'll be okay?" I asked trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

"He should be just fine." She said reassuring me, before she walked out of the room. I looked back to stare at Aiden when I noticed a smirk playing on the corners of his lips.

"You worried about me, sis?" He asked, cracking an eye open.

"Oh my God, Aiden!" I shrieked jumping out of my seat and rushing towards him. "Are you okay? Does it hurt? I'm so incredibly sorry. This all my fault. Do you need anything? Is there anything I can get you?" I babbled quickly, tears of happiness running down my face. It was one thing to have a nurse tell me that he was going to be okay, and an entirely different thing to hear his voice.

"I'm fine. All I need now is a hug." He said smiling at me, opening his arms.

"Are you sure, what if I accidently hurt you? I don't want to…" I hesitated.

"God damn, woman, I took a bullet protecting you. Just hug me." Aiden exasperated, grabbing my hand, pulling me towards him. I hugged him back as tight as I could without hurting him, only pulling back, when he kissed me softly on the top of my head.

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