Chapter 9

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I woke up to see Trey smiling at me, making a cute dimple show on his right cheek. It's funny how I had never noticed these things before, but I guess back then I had only noticed...him.I forced a smile as I leaned up to kiss Trey on his lips, trying to shake any thoughts of him from my mind. Trey deepened the kiss, not seeming to notice my discomfort this morning. Somehow I had managed to keep up my act of love and devotion towards Trey, but I was starting to slip up. I missed him too much. As impossible as it seemed, I liked to let myself believe that somehow I might actually developing real feelings for Trey. With enough time maybe I could actually really love him. Before I let Trey get too carried away I had to remind him we only had a few minutes before we had to get ready for school.

"Hey, we have school today." I murmured against Trey's lips as he rolled me under him.

"How opposed are you to ditching?" Trey asked nibbling on my ear lobe. I let out a soft moan but put my hands up in protest.

"We only have a few weeks left. I don't want to miss anything. Plus you still need to buy our Prom tickets." I said kissing him quickly once again before sliding off the bed.

"Ugh, why do you want to go to Prom anyways?" Trey asked sharply, clearly unhappy that I had decided that we were going to school today, just as I had decided the day before, and the day before that. I couldn't chance the risk of him coming back to school when I wasn’t there.

"I want to go to Prom because I want to see how hot you look in a tux, duh." I said smiling at Trey before retreating into the bathroom. It wasn't long before I heard the door open and Trey stepped into the shower with me, not giving me my usual time to myself. But I couldn't turn Trey away. Not after what he had done for me.Trey had saved him because Trey loved me. I just wish I could love him back.

I smiled as Trey held my hand as we drove to school. Sometimes it was easy to pretend that we were the perfect couple that everyone thought we were. Trey parked the car and then I waited for him to get the door. The instant he had the car door opened, I jumped out and started kissing him. He just laughed and whispered into my ear.

 "Later," he whispered, pushing me away. Still chuckling, he grabbed my hand and we began walking to class. Once we reached my classroom, Trey pushed me up against the lockers and began kissing me hard, running his hands through my hair. It was different from his previous kisses that I had become accustomed to. Instead of soft and loving, this was urgent and possesive. My hands roamed his body as I tried to think of why he was committing such a large display of PDA right outside my classroom.

"What about later?" I asked as he stopped to take a breath. He stared at the ground until I reached forward to hold up his chin so that he could meet my eyes. I was suddenly worried.

"Trey, what is it?" I asked clearly concerned at why he would look so terrified.

"He's back." I looked Trey dead in the eye, not believing what he had just said, but the fear that he had at first appeared to be disappearing and was now resolving into barely concealed anger. "You're mine." Trey reminded me before leaving me breathless and confused outside of my first period class. I watched him walk away, disappearing into the sea of blue plaid that I had mocked my first day here so many months ago. Just like that first day, there was a guy sitting in the back with midnight eyes assessing me as I walked to next to him to take the only empty seat. I had to stifle a gasp as I met his eyes. After several months Jason had come back. Several things seemed to run through my mind as I watched him look me up and down.

1. He looked amazing; his black eyes seemed to glow as they poured over my body. 2. He shouldn't be here and 3. I was definitely still in love with him. God help me.

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