Chapter 5

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“Trey?" I asked. Aiden and I were sitting on my bed across from each other and I felt like crawling into a ball again.

"Yes, Trey. He goes to your school."

"Um, I don't really know him that well actually. Everyone seems to like him at school. His closest friends are John and Simon. He was the one who told me about...about Jason." I said blushing down at my feet.

"Ah, is that all?" Aiden wondered almost knowingly. I could feel his stare searching my face.

"Well...I kind of had sex with him after he told me about Jason because I was hurt and confused and totally not thinking straight." I blurted, feeling embarrassed.

"What exactly did Trey tell you about Jason?" Aiden asked, not seeming to care that I'd slept with Trey.

"He told me that Jason killed people, that he was good at getting inside their heads and killing them quickly but that the people he killed weren't all bad, that some of them were good people...wait so you don't care that I slept with Trey? "

"Of course I do, but I'll get back at Trey for lying and taking advantage of you tomorrow. Blair, I am far from the type of person who would defend my half-brother, but you should know that Jason doesn't kill innocent people. Nor do I, none of us do.” So they didn't just kill people for no reason. That means that Jason...oh god.

"But then why would Trey tell me..."

"Because Jason killed Trey's father." Aiden scooted closer to me, reaching out a hand but still keeping a large distance from me.

"Why did Jason kill his father?”

"Trey's father, well their entire family for that matter, is involved in a network of black market trade. They buy, sell and trade drugs, weapons, and women. For formalilties this corporation is located right downtown in a nice corporate office, you can go inside anytime. To the average person this is just another office building but beyond the first couple of floors they run a dirty business Blair. They are not good people.

"But Trey..." I said shaking my head. "Why would he lie to me?"

"What was he supposed to say? Oh yeah, I'm the leading member of a corrupt organization that makes billions of money every year through illegal and cruel ways?" Aiden said smiling at me again.

"No." I said laughing. "Why would he lie to me about Jason?"

"That's a good question. I'm afraid I don't really have the answer to that. I suppose it could be because he's fed that lie to everyone. But I think he planned on using you to hurt Jason, and if Jason was to get hurt, our entire opperation could be compromised. Jason, after me, is our greatest asset."

"But I'm not with Jason... for all he knows I'm still with him, even though I'm not. Wait, what is he going to do now? Will he be angry?" I started to panic. Trey was not going to be happy at all and that could mean bad things to my well-being if everything Aiden said was true.

Aiden pulled himself closer to me wrapping his arms around me. "Blair, I don't want you to worry about Trey. I’ll take care of it."

"But what if you get hurt? I don't think I could live with’s all my fault. I should have never slept with him. It was so stupid!"

"Well I'm not going to disagree with that, but have some faith in your hero please. In the morning we'll show Trey who exactly you’re with and it'll be okay. You'll see. Trey can't touch me.”

“What do you mean who I’m with?” I asked, brushing back Aiden’s long hair to see his eyes.

“Blair, I know that we just met, but I feel like we’ve known each other our whole lives. I feel oddly protective of you and I think it’s because I’m starting to care about you.”

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