Chapter 15

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I stared in amazement at the beautiful dinner that Logan had made as I sat down across from him at the candlelit table.

"Yeah, I know it's awesome." Logan smirked completely killing the mood.

"Is the word modesty in your vocabulary?" I asked irritated at his massive male ego.

"Nope." He said smiling at me before beginning to eat. I took the first bite and was surprised at how good it was. I thought Aiden's dinners were good but this was incredible! The steak was so tender and perfect and just the way I like it.

"Okay...maybe it is awesome." I conceeded as I quickly ate the rest of my meal while Logan just laughed at me. Neither one of us spoke for the rest of the meal, but it wasn't that awkward silence that I had expected. Rather it was a comfortable silence where everything was too perfect for words. When I finished, I noticed that Logan was staring at me with a frustrated expression on his face.

"What?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable under his ardent scrutiny.

"It’s nothing." He said shaking his head before smiling at me. "Are you ready for dessert?" He asked his expression turning into one of excitement.

"Yeah...what are we having? I asked, earning a frown from Logan.

"If I tell you it won't be a surprise. Now, come on!" He said getting up quickly, grabbing my hand and leading me outside. We walked hand in hand for about five minutes with only the light of the moon guiding us.

"Where are we going?" I whispered.

"You'll see." Logan whispered back, his eyes sparkling.

Just a minute later, Logan led us to an open meadow surrounded by white, night blooming lilies. In the middle of the meadow sat a blanket and a small picnic basket. White rose petals where scattered across the blanket. Logan led me to the blanket where I sat down and he knelt down beside me. He opened the picnic basket to reveal chocolate covered strawberries. My eyes began to water as I took in the beauty of the scenery. The stars and moon above us cast a soft romantic light on us, it was too perfect. I looked at Logan while he was still fixing the strawberries and loved how the moonlight made his blonde hair seem to glow. I couldn't help myself as I reached over and let my hand run through his hair. He turned his face, making my hand cup his cheek.

"This is wonderful Logan." I said before lowering my hand. Logan caught my hand in his free one, interlacing our fingers and raising them to his lips.

"No you are." He said before lightly pressing his lips to the back of my hand. He reached over with his other hand to bring a strawberry to my lips and feed it to be. I took a bite, never letting my eyes leave his the entire time he held the strawberry. When I was done I leaned over and grabbed a strawberry and placed the end of it in my mouth and leaned closer to Logan, so he could bite the other end. He leaned in, his lips so close to mine, but still not touching and took a bite of the strawberry. He chewed it slowly, taking his hand from mine, and brushed my hair to the side, as I took out the other half of the strawberry in my mouth and ate it.

I don't know how long we sat there staring at each other but it felt like a lifetime until Logan leaned in and his lips met mine. His lips were so soft against mine, that I whined in protest, trying to press myself closer to him. But he kept the kiss light, practically killing me with tenderness. Ever so slowly, he deepened the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and settled myself onto his lap, my legs straddling his waist as his hands roamed my back. Then very gently he broke the kiss and looked me in the eye.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, giving me a way out of this. I shook my head, understanding what I was risking, but knowing that there was nothing more that I wanted in this moment than him.

"No." I whispered, looking him straight in the eye before kissing him again. I could feel Logan’s body laughing softly as he kissed me back. “What’s so funny?” I asked breaking the kiss.

“Women. You never know what you want, do you?”

“Of course we do. We’re just smart enough to know that we can’t have everything we want.”

“I think you could.” Logan smirked as I rolled my eyes.

“Just shut up and cuddle with me.” I sighed as Logan and I laid down on the blanket to look at the stars.

“Thank you, Logan.” I whispered.

“For what?”

“For making me feel safe again.”

“Anytime.” He whispered back, kissing the top of my head softly.

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