Chapter 12

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It was sometime after midnight when Jason finally climbed into our bed. I had tried to stay up and wait for him, but I was emotionally exhausted from the past couple of days.

            “Oh, I’m sorry Blair. I didn’t mean to wake you.” Jason apologized, lying down next to me.

            “It’s okay.” I mumbled turning to face him. I reached out my hand to touch the side of his face. I felt like I was still dreaming. It seemed impossible to think that he was really here; that we actually had a chance to be together. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” I whispered.

            “Hmm I think I missed you more.” Jason whispered back.

            “Where did you go? When you left, all I could think about was where you had gone.”

            “I took some assignments overseas. I did anything to try to get my mind off of you.” I could feel the mattress move slightly as Jason shrugged.

            “You were in a different country?” I exclaimed, surprised.

            “I was in several different countries actually.” Jason moved to cuddle with me, but I put a hand between us, stopping him. “What?”

            “Sometimes I feel like I don’t know who you are.” I sighed.

            “What does that mean?”

            “You were gone for three months. You did who knows what with who knows who, while I continued my life here. Then you just showed up out of nowhere. It’s just a lot to handle.”

            “Blair, I promise that tomorrow I will tell you all about what I’ve been doing these past couple of months but tonight, I just want to be with you.”

            “You promise?”

            “I promise.” Jason whispered before kissing me softly on the lips. I eagerly wrapped my arms around him, enjoying the feel of him next to me.

            I woke up to the sun rising. The first morning rays were seeping through the window as I smiled to myself. I reached out my hand to touch the person next to me, eager to repeat some things from last night only to grab a pillow instead. Disappointed I turned, noticing now that Jason was no longer in the room. With a frown I walked to the bathroom looking for Jason. He wasn’t there so I quickly got dressed and headed down stairs. I wandered through the halls, still trying to find Jason. I thought I heard voices as I passed a doorway so I hesitantly pushed open the door, revealing an office. Papers were scattered everywhere. Several computers were up and running and a screen was displaying a large picture of Trey next to what looked like statistical data and personal details. Aiden and Jason both jerked their heads in my direction, surprised at my entrance.

            “What is all of this?” I questioned, looking at Trey’s profile on the screen before Aiden reached over to shut it off.

            “Jason, get her out of here.” I heard Aiden mumble to Jason as Jason quickly walked over to me.

            “Come on Blair let’s get some breakfast.”

            “No, I want to know what you’re doing.” I stated stubbornly, refusing to move. Jason didn’t give me a choice before picking me up bridal style and carrying me out of the room.

            “Hey! Put me down.” I muttered angrily.

            “No way, this is too much fun.” Jason laughed.

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